I agree that there are too many items--way too many plushies. There have been over 300 (not counting the magicals) released in the past 365 days.
But, part of the reason I liked the site so much when I first started was the large variety of things on it. Think of it--maybe you aren't a rich person in real life, but you can have really nice furniture for your neohome. Or you are a collectibles freak--that's where the plushies and gallery collections come in. You wouldn't be able to afford all this in real life, but you can try doing so on Neo. Or, you are overweight or have to watch your weight or are a chocoholic--on Neo, you can have all the food and chocolate you want without gaining any weight.
Adding a few new items here and there is nice. However, they are doing a great job of overkill.
willow1808 wrote:
ok maybe it is just me - but does anyone actually feed their neopets the other foods unless they are going for the gourmet ?
I feed my pets the cheapest food I can--all of those burnt and damaged foods you can get from Coltzan's Shrine and brown sauce. Often, you can find them for 1 np on the wiz. I resell the omelettes. I know I am a real cheapskate--but, I spoil my pets in other ways. With PBs, really nice petpets, and a ton of plushies.
Tested made this fabulous set for me!!! Isn't it great?