Daze wrote:
As soon as you hit the Kass, you keep his wings tucked in until the apex of his flight up, then you release to let his wings out, so he can glide (more glide, the more distance he will travel out).
This part I get -- and can do pretty well.
As soon as he hits ground, you click to bring in his wings - as soon as he reaches the apex of the bounce, release so his wings come out.
This part is tricky for me -- the bounce is so quick, I try to click and let go at the appropriate times, but it's quicker than my eyes and hand can handle. It's really just a fluke when I get a good number of bounces.
Clicking speed isn't really the key - it is just clicking at the correct time.
That's true -- I should have said clicking accuracy, not speed (though speed was vital in KM2 and Itchy Invasion).
I hope this helps.
I hope it does, too. You've helped me realize where I need to focus my energies -- getting better at the bounces. Maybe I'll start whacking regardless of the wind, just to get some bounce practice in.
Thanks for the advice.
Excuse of the day: I'm left-handed but use a mouse with my right hand. If I were using my dominant hand for all these games, I'd probably be a little better at them! But everyone else uses a right-handed mouse, and I've been using one for ~20 years now, so it'd be hard to switch over...]