schlough wrote:
OK. I went through my own number chart, (that by the way took me about 4 hours to make on Excel) picked out ALL the combinations that work for one of my 7 symbol 3 mods, and tried all the variations of the symbol combos. NONE OF THEM WORKED! Apparently I missed one symbol of some type somewhere when systematically going through. So I'm starting over again. Did I mention that this is the LASTmessage available to me? I've sweated my way though all the other 3 mods... GAH!
(OK, I feel better now.)
That *same* thing happened to my husband last night when he was going through the nice checklist I made him of all the possible combinations. In the end, he was finally able to get it - he made a wild guess as to which set he thought he might've skipped a combo or two on, and got it finally.
He then proceeded to zip through the 3rd puzzle, managing to (to my irritation) get through the last puzzle on his first try with only taking out one guard - they parted and let him pass.
I guess I don't hafta spend my day finding solutions for the 7-symbols since the nice person who created the other two charts did it. Ah well.
Karnatu, I doubt they'll shut it down immediately - in LDP, we were still able to go back and complete the tombs part pretty much until the plot ended. (of course, you couldn't really do anything until you did the tombs part, but yeah.)