Byakuya San wrote:
Now excuse me for ranting and being a grouch, but if they valued all holidays equally, why would they even have an advent calendar in the first place? Yes, I know that December is generally known as a time of gift-giving and gift-getting, and yes, I know that many people in the world celebrate Christmas, and yes, I do recall an editorial where they stated they could not release menorahs or Buddhas or whatnot for "legal reasons" (which I still don't understand), but is it really necessary to rename Christmas Trees holiday trees? I mean, what if people started calling menorahs "festive lights" and Buddhas "happy fat men" (or to be politically correct, "stout men of good fortune")? Would you be offended if you celebrated those holidays? And what if Judeasim and Buddhism were the major religions in the world? Would it not make sense that such religions be downgraded just to value other religions? I'm not saying that Christianity pwns all, or that other holidays should be forgotten, but rather than downgrading one religion, when other traces of it ALREADY exist on the site (Christmas Paint Brush, anyone?), why can't ALL religions/holidays/etc. be given fair treatment? (I'm ranting at the legal reasons now) Again,I'm not saying the advent calendar should be eliminated completely, but if they aren't going to come right out and say Christmas Tree, what's stopping them from not releasing any Christmas Trees at all?
...I don't even care if my arguing sucks, at least I got that all off of my chest.
Well said.
I am non-religious, but I still feel it is unnecessery for TNT to 'dull' things down.
Matrinka wrote:
Okay, you win. The snot covered tree can represent Christmas.
Quite uncalled for. This will be one of the reasons that TNT do dull down Christmas.
It isn't the fact that a Christmas Tree represents Christmas, just that we all
know that it should be called a Cristmas Tree, not a holiday tree.
If it is too much for a site to have a Christmas Tree then we should not be having an Advent Calendar, but a
Holiday Calendar.
Why stop there? Why don't we celebrate Chocolate Egg Day, Turkey Day, Pumpkin Day etc - TNT should get rid of all the 'real world' holidays and replace them with non-offensive, non-political, non-religious Days.
As an Agnostic, I don't have any affinity with religion but I am incensed that TNT find it necessary to besiege Christmas with their half-witted ideas about sensibilities.
TNT should ban all or none. They can't have it both ways.
A Christmas Tree will
always be a Christmas Tree and to call it anything else is just wrong.
The only thing that is going in TNT's favour is that they may have decided a snot covered Christmas Tree might have offended, so they called it a Holiday Tree. If so, then kudos. If not, then we are back to square one - holiday or Christmas?