Whoohooooo! Finished 35/35 challenges last night and got the big shiny (but cumbersome-looking) trophy. Level 8 Games Master, baby! (insert dance sequence to "It's All About the Pentiums" here)
All ready to pwn the so-called "Games Master" next year.
Though, I have to admit, I'm kinda surprised that the challenge actually closed today. For some reason I was thinking today was the last day to complete all the challenges, in case someone missed a day due to traveling over the Thanksgiving break or whatever, and that the challenge itself didn't actually stop until tomorrow. I think it'd be a bit more fair that way.
Overall, it wasn't a bad diversion for the long weekend (and I always like getting free stuff anyway). While I liked that they gave out existing but semi-rare items as prizes that had something to do with the games you earned them from, I kinda missed the custom items (like they had in Daily Dare) and was hoping we'd get at least one or two as the final prize(s). Not even an AAA plushie? Awww.
I also don't appreciate being "forced" to play sponsor games in these challenges, mainly because they suck and are poorly designed. The graphics in the ness monster one (I don't care what it's called) were huge and slowed it down, the fish were tiny and hard to aim for, made even harder by the fact that the water-horsey whatzit was difficult to control. I finally just had to throw caution to the wind, forget the fish and the obstacles, and just make a mad dash for the end of the level. And the WalMart Santa one was so craptacular visually, it...just ugh. If a company wants to sponsor a Challenge, fine. Slap their logo all over the website and the loading screens. Put up their shoddy little games. But keep them out of the challenge. I want to play the exact same games and get the exact same rewards as people in other countries do, plzkthx.
...whoops, this wasn't supposed to be a rant. Sorry, just kinda happened.