anti. wrote:
Instead of a Baby Kougra, I changed my mind. How about this?
Fire away, fella's.
Hmm. How about...?
Black Gallion: My personal favourite. Matches on colour, plus has similar style wings to the Halloween Kougra. Also, looks generally cool, which is always a bonus!
Black Gruslen: Once again matches on colour. Also happens to be catlike (not to mention the serious tusk action).
Black Furwitch: Not just black, it also happens to be a spooky petpet. And spooky always goes well with Halloween. Plus, has the fang thing happening.
Droolik: Another spooky petpet, easily dismissed as being too doglike to hang out with a Kougra. But hey, it's cute and it matches on the wings. Also grey and black always work well together.
Snorlkin: Don't know what this little guy's deal is because I've never seen him before. But he's a spooky petpet... and that's about it really. Aww... what the hey, he just looks cool.
Well, there are possibly more. Unfortunately, the petpet gallery on Neocolours hasn't been updated in a while, and the PetPet Puddle is far too clunky for petpet matching. But hopefully this is a start, and I'm sure someone out there will be more than happy to add more to this list.