shapu wrote:
anjuna wrote:
If anyone out there is good with CSS, I wonder if you can tell us if there are external style sheets we can use to at least, say, get rid of the glaring box outlines and perhaps change sizes of things to make them so I don't feel like I have to immediately go to an eye doctor and get a new prescription for glasses that magnify as powerful as a microscope!
Well, you can increase and decrease text size, which might help. Just hold down the CTRL key and scroll your mouse wheel or up or down.
If you want to block the sidebar, which is a big help just by itself
-if you have chromedit installed on your browser (Mozilla/firefox users only), go to Tools, then click "Edit User Files," and click on the userContent tab. At the very bottom, type this line:
-I have not learned how to do that for just neopets, mind you.
-You can do the same in your user style sheets in Internet Explorer, though I don't know how. Vivian58 brought up the possibility in a post in the first thread.
For Firefox, to make the code applicable only to Neopets, I believe it works if you just stick everything in between the curly brackets:
@-moz-document domain({
I have no idea how to do that for IE though. :/
Except for the sidebar, I quite like the new layout, as it is more efficient, but it just takes getting used to.
However, for some themes, for example the clock is practically black text on dark blue, which is hard to read! So I used:
#nst{color: white !important;}
You can even change the font size to make everything look bigger, btw! :)
Finally, they added a new element for ads, so even in Firefox with Adblock, I still see the black ADVERTISEMENT bar, with a blank white area underneath, so I added this to my user style sheet. This works in IE, too, as far as I know:
.adBox{display:none !important;}
I spent hours combing through the Neopets CSS yesterday while redoing my user lookup.