anjuna wrote:
But that is what makes it MORE LAME, in my opinion. Use a great 'line' from a 'popular' whats-and-so .. and voila, that is supposed to excite me?
No, not
you. Just anyone who happens to like World of Warcraft. Which includes a lot of neopets players and staff. You're hardly being left in the dark. It's a British tradition to include silly pop culture references in things. It makes people laugh and relates to them. It's hardly being used to buy their attention, as I don't see how it could. Although I remember when Adam started calling himself #6 I was well impressed. But that's just me. I'm a British Sci-fi finatic. It wouldn't have changed a thing had he not made that wee reference. And I say
wee because I doubt there are that many people old enough (or mad enough) to understand it. Yet did it change anything?
Also the fuss you're making over people wastig their time on World of Warcraft is hypocritical to say the least. Neopets is equally useless in terms of it's perpose and gameplay. We are hardly doing anything better in playing this game or another. I don't believe either games improve our brains, and I doubt anyone would see this as a reason to play. We play for "fun", and what's fun to one person is diferent to another.
And Neopets has plenty original content. It's not a crime to come up with some of it based on known mythology either. Take any science fiction or fantasy writer. They're not unoriginal for including a few banshees or a dragon, or even a reference to King Arthur are they? They're just using what's already there to connect with their audience. If you miss the connection, the story isn't affected and life goes on.