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PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 11:47 pm 

Posts: 6
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Ok, that antheneum page really helped! Now my question is this: The account I have chosen to be my main was not the one I was using the most frequently. Is it safe for me to send all my stuff over to my main account? I have a ton of things. I'd like a plushie gallery for one account, so can I send all my plushies to that one? And the all the faerie stuff in all my accounts to the side account that I want a faerie gallery?

Also, if I have a bank account on the sides (as of right now I do, but plan on moving the NP's to the main account) can I collect interest?

And to make things very clear for me:

On a side account, I can

    Have pets, feed them items I send over from the main or at shops with NPs I send over from the main.

    Can do any random events and buy the needed item for the random event on the side account.

    Can be a part of a guild.

    Can have a gallery as long as the items are sent over from the main account or the NPs to buy the items are from the main.

    The "dailies" I can do are soupfaerie, healing springs...

And final question: Should I inform TNT that I have switched all these "at one time" main accounts to side accounts should anything seem fishy? Because there was a time with each that they were my main... Now my newest will be my main, and I'll keep it that way. ;p

Please let me know if I'm starting to get it! lol
Thanks again!

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 2:00 am 
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You might as well send stuff over, it'll look suspcious, but you're already breaking the rules. Although I'd say do it at your own risk.

And again, it probably isn't smart to inform TNT that you've been breaking the rules. And also in hindsight, it probably isn't the best idea to talk about how you've been breaking the rules on a forum that TNT has been known to browse using the same username that you use on neopets.

Anyways. Collecting abnk interest is a touchy subject. Technically you aren't allowed to make profit on your side, but some people do. I personally remember TNT mentioning something about it in the editorial, but I can't find it. So I guess it'd be an open issue so again, so at your own risk.


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PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 2:12 am 

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varii wrote:
You might as well send stuff over, it'll look suspcious, but you're already breaking the rules. Although I'd say do it at your own risk.

And again, it probably isn't smart to inform TNT that you've been breaking the rules. And also in hindsight, it probably isn't the best idea to talk about how you've been breaking the rules on a forum that TNT has been known to browse using the same username that you use on neopets.

Well, fabulous. What can I do? Whats done is done. I can't change what I did, only what I will now do. So...send it or not? It will look suspicious, but thats why I thought maybe letting TNT know why I was sending it would help... After all it IS okay to switch to a main account. When I first started I was Marie70_. I stopped using that for years. I made another. Now I want the stuff from Marie70_ to be in my main, as well as the other accounts I created during the years. After all, I now intend to not use any main account but the one... and is there any records I wonder of my alternating between accounts? I essentially switched main accounts way to frequently. Now I know. Now I will have one main. "No takebacks!" lol

So is everyone telling me, oh well? I'm screwed? Theres nothing I can do and I should just stop playing? *sigh*

Now I'm not as confused, but disappointed I guess. ah well

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 2:46 am 
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I think TNT are pretty understanding that mistakes do happen. At least now you understand the rules and full well intend to abide by them. I'm unsure whether it makes a difference if you notify them of this mishap. On the one hand, it could bring unwanted attention; perhaps only notify them in the case they freeze your account(s) but if they haven't by now you should be within the realm of redemption. Honestly, I don't know about the moving items gained through this method. Best to just forget about them and not break any more rules. However they are just still sitting there, gained by breaking the rules. It is a bit of a conundrum. :(

Maybe you could donate those things to the Money Tree; start out anew re-earning those things on your main account. Honestly rewarding. 0:)

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 6:50 am 
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They have records of everything that goes on in accounts. I really think you can select a main and change to it without trouble, and send your stuff over. I wouldn't empty several accounts into one if you played each as a main, just pick the one with the best stuff. I really wouldn't fret about it too much. :)

TNT are actually nice. You could drop them an email letting them know you're switching to one main after you realized you were doing something against the T&C, but in all honesty if you're not premium they may not read it for weeks/months after you've made the switch. Should you be iced, your story is an honest one and TNT would unfreeze you (though it could take a little time to get processed and they sometimes unpaint your pets or take away some items as punishment).

I once found my old notebook that contained passwords to accounts I had created when I wasn't a serious player and changed my mind a lot ( a lot lot, lol!). Wanting to sort of tidy things up so they could never accuse me of having too many accounts, I pawed through my notebook and found old passwords and self froze each account. When I hit the 3rd one a red flag must've gone up, TNT emailed me and asked what the heck was up, lol, and I explained how I'd found my old passwords and, yada yada, TNT was just fine and finished closing my last account for me because they'd stopped the process when it looked suspicious.

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 9:39 pm 

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Well, that does make it easier to breathe, I must say, just by knowing they are nice people! lol I don't see why I should be frozen if I am doing the right thing now. Just...those items! I dont want to trash em! Some are really nice. Like ADvent calender 4 years ago nice! Like "retired" nice. lol

grrr, cause the account I picked to be my main isnt my oldest. I didnt want my account name to be my real name, so I made my newer one not mention my name.

Maybe I'll just do what you said: send the stuff over, and if I get frozen, write them about it.

BTW Its pretty funny that they emailed you for freezing your own accounts! lol

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 12:24 am 
Beyond Godly
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Marie, once upon a time (a long time ago) it apparently was OK to alternate the accounts on which you did dailies/collected freebies. In other words, do dailies on one account one day, then do dailies on another account another day. At least that was the assumption between an interpretation of the rules and from various responses PPTers received from staff members. But, all was changed about 1-1/2 years ago when Neopets rewrote and clarified their rules and created the FAQ page. That is when they made it very clear that you could only have one account on which to do dailies/freebies and have a shop (prior to that you could have a shop on more than one account). Now, that you know the rules and have indicated that you are going to follow them, I think you will be OK in TNT's eyes. However, my suggestion is that you keep the items and nps on your side accounts. After all, it really makes no difference if those advent calendar items from 4 years ago are sitting in your main account's SDB or a side account's SDB, does it? You can use whatever nps on those accounts to upgrade the galleries you intend to have. But you must move the items from your side account to your main account, you should cause no eyebrows to be raised if you do it slowly and a little at a time. If you want to put things in a gallery on a side account, have your main account put those items in a trade and then have you side account offer some items on that trade. Same thing with a side account pet you want to paint. Put the paintbrush up for trade and then have your side account bid some of its items on it. Little by little you will move all items to your main account.

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 12:49 am 
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mariehgl70 wrote:
Ok, that antheneum page really helped! Now my question is this: The account I have chosen to be my main was not the one I was using the most frequently. Is it safe for me to send all my stuff over to my main account? I have a ton of things. I'd like a plushie gallery for one account, so can I send all my plushies to that one? And the all the faerie stuff in all my accounts to the side account that I want a faerie gallery?

I would personally not send everything at once, because that could raise a red flag. I would suggest waiting a couple of weeks before sending items between accounts. Then, slowly transfer the items over, a few at a time.

mariehgl70 wrote:
Also, if I have a bank account on the sides (as of right now I do, but plan on moving the NP's to the main account) can I collect interest?

You are not allowed a bank account on the sides, because you get profit from the interest. I would suggest immediately removing all the money from the bank accounts on your sides. After a few weeks, you might want to slowly use up the money by buying items, or donating to the money tree.

mariehgl70 wrote:
And to make things very clear for me:

On a side account, I can

    Have pets, feed them items I send over from the main or at shops with NPs I send over from the main.

    Can do any random events and buy the needed item for the random event on the side account.

    Can be a part of a guild.

    Can have a gallery as long as the items are sent over from the main account or the NPs to buy the items are from the main.

    The "dailies" I can do are soupfaerie, healing springs.

Yup, you got it!

mariehgl70 wrote:
And final question: Should I inform TNT that I have switched all these "at one time" main accounts to side accounts should anything seem fishy? Because there was a time with each that they were my main... Now my newest will be my main, and I'll keep it that way. ;p

I would suggest that you do not send them any kind of email about this. If you haven't gotten into trouble yet, just start following the rules, and you should be okay.

There was a time when I accidentally broke the rules. I'd taken a long break from Neopia, and hadn't realised that some of the rules were changed. For a while I was very worried, but I started following the rules as soon I realized my mistake, and I did not get in trouble.

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 3:41 am 
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when i first started it was a lot laxer. I started august 2000. You could have multiple accounts. You could use them as stand alone accounts. make your money to do stuff on one make your money to do stuff on other long as it was all in that one account. You also could have an account for quests. Where you could use that one to use the shop wizard to check for an item. It used to be fun when it was smaller. Whne it wasnt all sponsors and making money and being kid like. When they even seemed to enjoy it more themselves, was more personable and jokey, not the auto formed jokes of now.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 6:16 pm 

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I think that the reason why I got so messed up was because I am a pretty old player. (Both ways in neopets standards lol)

Ive been playing since thye first started. I'm twenty six so going on everyday started to not be as feasible. I stopped playig for about 2 years, then played for maybe 6 months, then stopped for another year. Now I've started up again. So yes, I think it was ok to play with accounts when I was on a while ago.

You guys have helped me greatly in trying to get this all straight. But I made an oops. In my eagerness to set things straight I sent nearly 90 items from my oldest account to the one I am now using. (I decided to use this one- mariehgl70- since it has the most stuff) Should I be sweating bullets like I am now!? I put the items up for trade and bid a jelly on each one.

The other stuff I either donated or gave to old neofriends. The edible stuff I wanted to use to feed my pets.
I didnt touch the neopoints...yet. Should I at least withdrawal all the neopoints from the bank? I havent collected interest cause that would be gaining nps, but should I just take it all out anyway? Then can I buy items with it from shops to get my gallery stuff?

Let me know what you think! Ugh! Im so mad that I all hurried-up and tried to get the items out of there! TNT should be icing me soon! o_O

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 9:05 pm 
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mariehgl70 wrote:
I think that the reason why I got so messed up was because I am a pretty old player. (Both ways in neopets standards lol)

Ive been playing since thye first started. I'm twenty six so going on everyday started to not be as feasible. I stopped playig for about 2 years, then played for maybe 6 months, then stopped for another year. Now I've started up again. So yes, I think it was ok to play with accounts when I was on a while ago.

You guys have helped me greatly in trying to get this all straight. But I made an oops. In my eagerness to set things straight I sent nearly 90 items from my oldest account to the one I am now using. (I decided to use this one- mariehgl70- since it has the most stuff) Should I be sweating bullets like I am now!? I put the items up for trade and bid a jelly on each one.

The other stuff I either donated or gave to old neofriends. The edible stuff I wanted to use to feed my pets.
I didnt touch the neopoints...yet. Should I at least withdrawal all the neopoints from the bank? I havent collected interest cause that would be gaining nps, but should I just take it all out anyway? Then can I buy items with it from shops to get my gallery stuff?

Let me know what you think! Ugh! Im so mad that I all hurried-up and tried to get the items out of there! TNT should be icing me soon! o_O

I use to switch main accounts a LOT. I've stuck with mine now ever since I was frozen 1 or so years ago. When I switched mains I always used the trading post to transfer items/neopoints. I would set up junk trades on my new main and then bid on my old main with items and the neopoints. Never get me frozen.. that I know of anyway. I've been frozen plenty, but none of the times I was frozen was around the time I switched mains, so I wouldn't really worry about it if I were you.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 1:05 am 
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Yeah years ago before certain people ruined it, there were no set rules on accounts. Donna said herself you can have as many accounts as you like so long as you intend to look after them and respect the one account dailies. They even said it was fine to do a daily on a diferent account each day so long as it was one account and once per day.

Sadly no more. Even if you don't intend to make profit. Still, it's better than being limited to one account. I'd probably stop playing for the most part if that were the case.

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