I think the game played out very nicely and you did a great job hosting it, I just think there were too many baddies (wasn't it about 50% with converts?) I don't think the innocents really stood a chance, especially with most people running about believing everyone based on substantial proof. x_x
The baddie count was rather high, but all the teams had signifigant weaknesses, and some of the conversions could have made it very hard on the convertee. Add to that the high shields of the important innocent roles and the large number of possible innocent daykills to overcome the high baddie shields...
Examples: Typhoon's powers between his good and evil roles were the same in usage. If he had used up all his powers as a Paladin, he would find himself without any powers as a death knight, leaving him a rather useless conversion. Same with Sussanahmio's role. The Kel'thuzard role required to die and be ressurected by Arthus to unlock their main powers.
The first burning Legion conversion, the Mannoroth fountain conversion, required the Grom Hellscream role to first FIND the fountain before they would even be converted. And once again, any powers used while innocent would not be refunded, and if Grom was killed the conversion wouldn't come to pass.
The second one, Doom, if used on a level 1 charcter would leave them with very little power and mean a long time creeping before the level 3 power could be achieved. Plus it could be blocked by shields.
The Legion team itself was vulnerable in the sense that if any of them died, they were losing alot, either the chance to end the game quickly, or the ability to kill every night.
Add to that anywhere up to 4 ressurections by the innocents, a fair amount of protection and quite a bit of information gathering roles, and I think things were fairly balanced. I was worried about the baddies being underpowered early on.