Kitten Medli wrote:
Paul wrote:
Kitten Medli wrote:
Look, I'm sorry. My post was also meant to be lighthearted, but in spite of that I forgot that aids is actually a disease that kills people. It was out of place, but it WAS just a joke and I don't wish it on anyone. Again, sorry.
As oposed to AIDs.. that doesn't kill people?
Shove it, Paul. :]
Would you like to specify where, Medli? I'm awfully confused about human anatomy and all those different orifices. :]
Kitten Medli wrote:
Yes I meant it, they're going to hell.
April fools, I was joking ;P
I'll ask you to kindly watch your sense of humor because teh last time I checked AIDs was not a laughing matter. And I just checked a few minutes ago to make sure, and nope. Still not a laughing matter.
I will ask anyone who is thinking of replying to take this thread and post in teh same way its being presented, light-hearted humor that is not harmful to anyone.
Xil wrote:
Kitten Medli wrote:
Medli wrote:
*insert some tasteless joke about AIDS Xil can't remember*
No, its not. I was just keeping in teh spirit since I doubt they're hookin' up.
Not at all is AIDS teh spirit of any LGBT relationship. You'd do well to seperate those two thoughts in your head like...
now.Point taken, lets all please return to teh point of this thread, congratulating Mat and Frankie's relationship.
It was not. Any more incivility will be dealt with more then just a warning.