I think the key word there is "selling." It is definitely against the rules to sell a pet, for Neopoints, items, or actual money. I'm pretty sure I've read editorials that have said that helping Neopets find homes for no charge was okay, though it couldn't hurt to go back and check.
As for why they'd put the first part - well, using the pound to transfer pets IS risky. There's always the chance that someone else will snap up the pet you're transferring. But really, there's no other way to do it.
I hope that it's NOT a freezable offense to, as you say, adopt pets from the pound or create them, then zap them, then give them away (GIVE, *NOT* SELL) to anyone who wants them. I do this on my side account, and it's very rewarding to give someone a dream pet. I love doing it. I honestly don't see what's wrong with it.
As for the original questions... as far as I know, you can abandon a pet after 7 days. I don't think that changes regardless of what color or level it is.
EDIT: From
Editorial #217:
Hello =D I own an adoption adgency, and i have asked around on the boards if it is against the terms and conditions, and i have gotten a couple yeahs and no's. So i was just hoping you could clear this up for me. Thankz ~ hockeychick101Hi there! Adoption agencies themselves are fine. Helping abandoned Neopets find caring homes is quite a good thing.
However, often times people accept tips or payment for this service, which is not allowed. Other times, people are unaware of the fact that a pet transfer is not guaranteed and are quite upset when they put work into an application and do not get the pet. So, as long you don't ask for payment of any sort, and make it quite clear that the winning applicant is not guaranteed to get the pet once it's released into the pound, you can continue your charitable work without fear!
And thanks for the clarification, WolfMaiden.