Instead of gushing all at the end, I will keep a record of all my gushing as it happens. Please bear with me.
Teaser: The Doctor! The Doctor! *squeals* Ooo. X-ray hands with radiation. How Batman Beyond.
Act 1: Sulu is one of them! Yay! Go Sulu! Sulu rules! Damn Ted. He's a nut. At least we have someone as morally conflicted as Matt so Mr B can still try to have his point listened to.
Act 2: Nice of Matt to trust Mr B. Eww! She coughed up the bullet! Ooooo. Silver Surfer ad. Wait. That was off topic.
Act 3:
Poor Doctor! Wonder who he was hiding.
Act 4: Ugh. Religion nut. Oh well. I half expected that reaction from her. Uh oh. Backup is here. Whoa. Okay. Matt has to be dead. That much radiation as well as two point blank bursts. He has to be cooked. Ditto for Mr B, except for the close hits. I get the feeling that Ted was going like Issac's painting, but don't think that was accurate since the paintings are usually dead on. Uh... Claire should be giving off enough extra radiation to at least mess up the dog. I think they are taking a few too many liberties with the radiation. Counter-argument to what I was just complaining about: we don't know what type of radiation Ted actively gives off. He just could be giving off a lot of alphas and betas so the damage wouldn't be great, but there still would some damage (maybe not that deep too, but I don't want to guess). If I could pick one, I would pick the counter-argument since it allows for more survivability.
Act 5: Creepy ending. Hope Mr B is protecting the Haitian. Yay! He is!
He tries so hard to protect them!
Set by Cukupan
Ohayo Nippon every Sunday at
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I'm on a boat like a boss