Hiya Julie and fellow 1980er, welcome to PPT!
*Takes you on a tour of PPT since the forum can be confusing when you first join PPT*
Everything You Need To Know About The PPT Forums tells you all the important stuff that you need to know about The PPT Forum. (Rules, The Strike System, Avatar and Sig sets rules etc.)
Announcements is where you will find the latest PPT Forum related news.
PPT Discussion & Questions is where you can discuss your views on PPT and ask questions related to PPT!
Forum Events is where any events related to forum will take place. (Currently it is the Valentine's Event and there is a special I love PPT!! rank available for anyone who knows the what the special phrase is.)
General Chat is where a lot of Neopets related discussion goes.
Battledome is where you will find information involved the Neopets Battledome as well as being the place where Lab Ray results go.
Any discussion related to the plots on Neopets goes into Neopian Plot Council.
Neopets Help is where you can ask us for help related to Neopets (Includes a sticky for Faerie Quests) and Game Strategies and Help is where you will find help related to the games section of Neopets. (Bill is used for Neopets Advertiseing such as trades, beauty contest Neopets.) Neopets Polls is where you will find polls related to Neopets.
In the Creative department you have Ye Olde PPT Gallery (Showcasing art), The Workshop (Art Help and Poems can be found here), Signatures and Avatars Requests (If you after a custom set then go here) and Role Playing (Where you can roleplay and start roleplays).
The Entertainment department is very straight forward so I won't go into that.
In the Miscellaneous department you have Miscellaneous Discussion (Anything that isn't related to anywhere else on the forum goes here.), Miscellaneous Polls (Polls not related to Neopets and Entertainment go here), Computing & Technology (Computer help can be found here.), Jokes (Where you will find what makes us laugh), Coconut Isle (Werewolf and other games, contests, giveaways, PPT rank information can be found here.) and Promotions & Plugging is for all those great websites that you want your fellow PPTers to see (But remember links to inappropriate sites aren't allowed)
Finally Usergroups is where you will find the boards that your succesful memberships to groups allows you access to and you get membership to usergroups by clicking on the
button at the top of the forum and clicking the viewing the information button and then clicking the Join Group button. (Clicking Join Group button will tell you that is your membership is pending and is also being looked at by the Group's Mods.)
That concludes my tour of PPT Forum to you.
Enjoy Your Stay!