Night 1: Ohnoes!
Typhoon raised an eyebrow at all the people sleeping in the Foyer. “All those comfortable beds… and so many of them are sleeping on the floor? How very odd. These must be very indecisive people.” He turned to go to bed.
Later that night, there was a skittering across the floor. The little pattering feet directed themselves to a particular person slumbering in the Foyer. Kugetsu rolled over in his sleep as the bugs swarmed over him, biting and slashing at his shield. They munched on his shield a bit before swarming off into the darkness.
Right after that, a dark figure approached Kugetsu and prepared a red bolt of light… this time, Kugetsu woke up. Seeing the figure and reacting, he leapt up and roundhouse-kicked the figure into the wall. Before he could identify them, though, the figure leapt up and ran off.
Later, a bird swooped into the Foyer. Spying DM was on fire!, it dove and rent his shield into tatters, destroying it completely. Swiftly following, a dark shape tiptoed into the Foyer and darted towards the slumbering, shieldless body. Raising a sword, it swung down and neatly sliced DM was on fire!’s head from his shoulders. Satisfied with a job well done, the figure slunk back to its sleeping place.
Typhoon awoke the next morning to a shrill scream. Racing into the Foyer, he saw Laq still screaming and pointing to DM was on fire!’s decapitated body. Closing his eyes a second, Typhoon strode over. DM was on fire!’s body shimmered in the sunlight and morphed into… well, it almost morphed into a shape, but returned to human form. “All I can tell you is that he was innocent.” Typhoon magicked the body elsewhere and turned to the crowd. On the floor, near the east wall, was a message marked out in inky pawprints. “Ten minutes ago, I saw you….” Typhoon read. “What could that mean? Anyway, only one death… that’s better than, say, more.”
Summary: Kugetsu was attacked and protected by his shield. Kugetsu was attacked again, and countered. DM was on fire! was decapitated. His role is unknown.