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Fri Feb 09, 2007 2:55 am

smudgeoffudge wrote:Pheromones may exist and they may be stronger on someone who reeks, but how can it help if you smell them and are totally gagging? In our society it isn't a social norm for someone to stink. We are taught to be repulsed, so we never even consider that someone is attractive if the stink. In some societies it might be ok to stink, everyone stinks, and they all stink together. But in my society I wouldn't be around somone who stinks very long and whatever attraction I might have had is way overbalanced by repulsion at the stench.

I second that. Please shower. It's hard to pay attention to what you're trying to say if I'm trying my best to not express my revulsion at your stench. I have a strong sense of smell, anyway.

Fri Feb 09, 2007 3:06 am

smudgeoffudge wrote:In some societies it might be ok to stink, everyone stinks, and they all stink together.

Oh my gosh, smudge, that is just priceless. The image I got of all these stinky people walking around with lust in their eyes is forever seered into my brain. Argh!!!!

Fri Feb 09, 2007 3:33 am

Setekh wrote:Here's a hint.
So does Perfume ;)

Exactly. Whereas men (but not me) spend a small amount of money to smell horrible, woman and girly men spend $1000s to smell horrible :P

They're probably the same people that buy bottled water when it falls out of the sky :P

And have lawns instead of crops!

And another thing...

Fri Feb 09, 2007 3:50 am

Christopher wrote:
Setekh wrote:Here's a hint.
So does Perfume ;)

Exactly. Whereas men (but not me) spend a small amount of money to smell horrible, woman and girly men spend $1000s to smell horrible :P

Pfft, not this woman. Most perfume makes me gag too. Can't even walk casually through the cosmetics section of department stores; I've got to get the heck out of there. (Well, the smell's one reason. The other major one is because I don't want to get harassed by the people selling those perfumes.)

But anyway... whether someone's male or female, spent $5 or $500 on their smelly water....if they marinate in the stuff, I'm most likely going to focus on finding an escape route rather than on how attractive or witty the person is.

Fri Feb 09, 2007 4:08 am

Wow, this takes me back to that X-Files episode with the hand-rubbing weirdo.

Fri Feb 09, 2007 4:21 am

I much prefer the smell of Dove soap to the smell of sweat. I'm always sniffing my boyfriend's shoulders and hair.
Most perfumes do smell gross and unnatural, though. I only use "body mist" that smells like food or drinks. My favorite right now comes from Victoria's Secret and, oddly enough, smells an awful lot like apple juice for something that's supposed to be alluring and sexy.

Fri Feb 09, 2007 5:39 am

Oh yeah. Just in case some guys are actually swayed by this article, not all sweat are made equal. There has been studies that show that body symmetry correlates with how appealing a man's sweat is to women. I hate to say it, but according to the study, only good looking people smell good.

I read a paper and heard on lecture on this. I have to say I'm not entirely convinced by his findings, and I'm especially not convinced by how he related to human evolution. But that's a whole other story that I won't get into. I'd post the article, but I can't even remember this guy's name.

Fri Feb 09, 2007 6:24 am

SpiraLethe wrote:Oh yeah. Just in case some guys are actually swayed by this article, not all sweat are made equal. There has been studies that show that body symmetry correlates with how appealing a man's sweat is to women. I hate to say it, but according to the study, only good looking people smell good.

I read a paper and heard on lecture on this. I have to say I'm not entirely convinced by his findings, and I'm especially not convinced by how he related to human evolution. But that's a whole other story that I won't get into. I'd post the article, but I can't even remember this guy's name.

Only good looking people smell good? Hahaha.. that explains why I have stinky sweat then.

And sweat linked to evolution? Hehe.. thats odd. ~:>

Fri Feb 09, 2007 2:01 pm

It makes me attracted, all right. It makes me attracted to any other man in the room BESIDES you.

Fri Feb 09, 2007 3:06 pm

Xela of Xandra wrote:To be honest, it's worse when guys sweat then put disgusting things like Axe Body Spray/Deodorant on in an attempt to have the smell ravage the nose of an unsuspecting girl and make her want to throw him down and have her way with him.

For me, this is not true.

It makes me feel like I am going to pass out.

It also smells bad.

But...but...those commercials...they had cheerleaders....

Fri Feb 09, 2007 8:18 pm

SpiraLethe wrote:Oh yeah. Just in case some guys are actually swayed by this article, not all sweat are made equal. There has been studies that show that body symmetry correlates with how appealing a man's sweat is to women. I hate to say it, but according to the study, only good looking people smell good.

I read a paper and heard on lecture on this. I have to say I'm not entirely convinced by his findings, and I'm especially not convinced by how he related to human evolution. But that's a whole other story that I won't get into. I'd post the article, but I can't even remember this guy's name.

Oh we do know that symmetry is classically beautiful or good-looking.
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