Er...I meant to add this onto my last post, but I got distracted trying to win the latest Better Than You Challenge. (Didn't make it.
Oh well. Guess I can always hope Attack of the Revenge comes up again soon...)
Anyway, I hinted at this in another thread, but I'm having trouble deciding what to do with my Elephante Sahlabisa, and I'd like some help. Right now she's Brown and has an Altalaphus attached. I was hoping for an Elephante revamp this year, to see if I wanted to keep her that way. Didn't happen. My original plan, if there was no revamp, was to morph and paint her into a Desert Scorchio, and attach a Mimbi, like so:
I really like that pair, and like Mimbis. Still do. But then along came the Royalgirl Elephante, and I thought it would look perfect with her name. She also doesn't look half bad with her current petpet. But the price tag is higher than that of the Scorchio's paint job and petpet combined.
(Actually, there are some that matched better, but none that I liked so much I was willing to pay out the nose for them.) Sahlabisa's a baker who lives and works in the Lost Desert. While not exactly rich or royal, she's very business-like, runs her own shop and hopes to own a few more, and is very outgoing and social. She tends to be overly chatty though, sometimes gets a bit too pushy, and often makes a mess of her kitchen.
These last two things are kind of minor, but her character and being an Elephante was based somewhat on the character Horace from the book "The Eleventh Hour" by Graeme Base. I originally picked the Altalaphus petpet for her because according to its description, it likes to sample Altadorian cheeses, and I thought it'd be funny to have a petpet who was constantly nibbling on her food. (The Mimbi nibbles on vegetation, so it could concievably work too.)
Based on what I've told you all, which do you think I should go for? Desert Scorchio and Mimbi, or Royalgirl Elephante and Altalaphus?