mazil wrote:
fructy: I love your gallery design! The little skulls are so .... cute
(in a scary skull way, of course) Clever idea for a theme, too.
My gallery really needs a design update I think ... I first made it maybe 2-3 years ago, when hardly anyone was doing CSS layouts and such! It also has a rather similar theme to last week's gallery spotlight, so I'm not expecting a win any time soon... but I'll keep persevering with it for a while.
The gallery that won last week doesn't have the same theme you do, so you still have a good chance to win the spotlight. Several theme's have won the spotlight more then once. Last weeks spotlight winner has even won twice with the same gallery, so you definitly have a chance!
I actually think your layout isn't all that bad! I actually quite like the colours and the blog with the little update thingy.
You could add buttons instead of those text links for your categories. For some reason I really don't like the standard blue catagorie links, but that's just a personal thing. Maybe you could add a sidebar too? Other then that I really would have no idea how you could improve your gallery.
Besides, TNT judges mostly on the content and not on the layout
Lexxia, did you upload the image yourself? It's ok to link directly to the neopets image in your gallery. So you don't have to upload the image yourself.
Wolf, tnt did say they like "original art", so drawing your own background and making a blog might help you win the spotlight.