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Gallery and spotlight board

Thu Jan 11, 2007 9:27 pm

I like to rate galleries and other spotlights, but the gallery and spotlight board on neopets always seems deserted so I decided to start a thread about spotlights here, where everyone can talk about their galleries, petpages, art contest entries and other spotlights. :)

Does anyone want me to rate anything of them? I don't give out grades, just comments. :) I'll rate any spotlight, also stories for the NT etc. (so not just graphics)

Edit: you can see my gallery here:

I entered the gallery spotlight months ago, but I never heared anything from TNT. Suggestions to make it better are welcome :)

Thu Jan 11, 2007 9:51 pm

you can look at my gallery :)
i'd REALLY appreciate suggestions to make it better, short of buying more items, they're all unbuyable and i'm saving for them, so posting items i need won't help me lol.

Thu Jan 11, 2007 10:02 pm

sigh_driven wrote:you can look at my gallery :)
i'd REALLY appreciate suggestions to make it better, short of buying more items, they're all unbuyable and i'm saving for them, so posting items i need won't help me lol.

I actually think you have a good item count for your theme. I imagine there aren't that many carrot items out there. :)

I like the colours, they also match your theme. However, I can only see half the cybunny. Instead the background you have now, you could also make a tiled background like this neopets background:

The advantage of a tiled background is that it works for every screen resolution.

You could also add a blog, a banner, a sidebar and catagorie buttons instead of links. :)

I really like it. :) Are you going to enter the spotlight?
Last edited by fructy on Thu Jan 11, 2007 10:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Jan 11, 2007 10:03 pm

I LOVE yours fructy!

Thu Jan 11, 2007 10:07 pm

I've been tryin to get into the gallery spot light for quite some time now, so any advise is greatly appreciated. ... o&view=all

Thu Jan 11, 2007 10:10 pm

Thanks kcharles! :D

Wolf, that link takes me to my own gallery. You can find the link to your gallery by going to "edit description". The link is at the bottom of the "edit description" page. :)

Thu Jan 11, 2007 10:13 pm

Here's my gallery.

Thu Jan 11, 2007 10:17 pm

I actually think you have a good item count for your theme. I imagine there aren't that many carrot items out there. :)

I like the colours, they also match your theme. However, I can only see half the cybunny. Instead the background you have now, you could also make a tiled background like this neopets background:

I really like it. :) Are you going to enter the spotlight?[/quote]

i forget that i have a huge screen resolution, and most people DON'T!
ok, thanks, i'll work on that :)
and i already entered, but no luck yet... maybe i'll re-enter when i have a new layout! :D

Thu Jan 11, 2007 10:30 pm

that should work

Thu Jan 11, 2007 10:49 pm

thats a great idea
Here is a link to my Grarrl Gallery

Any suggestions would be appreciated


Thu Jan 11, 2007 11:27 pm

Would anyone care to give opinions on the background in my gallery? I feel like there's something... off about it.

I'm planning on working on the description and blog/table later, but any suggestions on those are more than welcome. :)

Thu Jan 11, 2007 11:34 pm

_lexxia wrote:Would anyone care to give opinions on the background in my gallery? I feel like there's something... off about it.

I'm planning on working on the description and blog/table later, but any suggestions on those are more than welcome. :)

lexxia, I think having a table around your items would help quite a bit. Maybe having a table for a text area too.

Thu Jan 11, 2007 11:48 pm

Wolf, I love the theme! (I have a pirate gallery too) :D

You have a fair item count. There are alot more pirate items out there, but I know from experience that they are really expensive.

Your theme does lack a layout. A nice background and maybe a blog would be nice. However, TNT did say in the editorial that a layout isn't the most important thing.

Quote from the editorial:
"May I use the pre-made Neopets backgrounds to enter the Gallery Spotlight? Thank you very much. ~florabell123
Sure! We judge mostly on the content of your gallery, but while we do like to see original art to make it stand out from the other entries, we know not everyone is a Photoshop wizard."

I think it would also be nice if you'd rank your items. It would look a lot more organised that way. :)

Good luck for the spotlight! :) I hope they'll chose a pirate gallery to win some day. I looked at all the gallery winners and never has a pirate gallery won, can you believe that?

Charles, I like your theme too. However, it also doesn't have a layout. I think a simple pink background, a table around your items and maybe a blog would look really nice.

If you're not good at graphics, neopets has alot of backgrounds and blogs etc here:

If you're not good at coding here are some great petpages:

I would also rank the items. Some items are a bit more red-pinkish and other more purple-pinkish so you could rank by colour. :)

Good luck! :)

Freddy, you have a great item count! You also have some very nice/valuable items.

You ranked your items, though personally I would put the good stuff at the top. Now you have the collectable cards at the top and they're not the nicest items of your gallery. The items in the top are the first items people will look at and alot of the time they won't even scroll down to look at all the other items you've got...

You also have a layout, but maybe put the items in a table? The background is a bit busy, and it does distract the attention from the items. A table would put the focus more on the items themself.

I see you also need the Bony Grarrl Club. Isn't that a super expensive battledome/avater item? How much do they go for? That item alone is probably more expensive then all the item of my gallery theme. :D

Edit: (wow never realised how big my post was 0.o)

mayanspypilot wrote:
_lexxia wrote:Would anyone care to give opinions on the background in my gallery? I feel like there's something... off about it.

I'm planning on working on the description and blog/table later, but any suggestions on those are more than welcome. :)

lexxia, I think having a table around your items would help quite a bit. Maybe having a table for a text area too.

I think Mayan is right. Your background is bit busy so a table with a solid background would help :)
Last edited by fructy on Thu Jan 11, 2007 11:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Thu Jan 11, 2007 11:50 pm

fructy wrote:Charles, I like your theme too. However, it also doesn't have a layout. I think a simple pink background, a table around your items and maybe a blog would look really nice.

If you're not good at graphics, neopets has alot of backgrounds and blogs etc here:

If you're not good at coding here are some great petpages:

I would also rank the items. Some items are a bit more red-pinkish and other more purple-pinkish so you could rank by colour. :)

Good luck! :)

Yea.I was thinking of getting a nice light pink backround.

Fri Jan 12, 2007 12:01 am

fructy: I love your gallery design! The little skulls are so .... cute :) (in a scary skull way, of course) Clever idea for a theme, too.

My gallery really needs a design update I think ... I first made it maybe 2-3 years ago, when hardly anyone was doing CSS layouts and such! It also has a rather similar theme to last week's gallery spotlight, so I'm not expecting a win any time soon... but I'll keep persevering with it for a while.
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