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PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 3:03 am 
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Blk Mage wrote:
Spoilers for Christopher Eccleston
He has the power of invisibility, he become the "mentor" of Peter to help him with his powers, and as all mentors in shows and movies, he'll probably die along the way for some noble action or such

*gasp!* AMAZING!


Also, somebody thought up that it would be cool if the Hiatian took the Bennett family hostage, but i dont think anybody has a credible source on this yet. Dont take that as an idea, but simply as something cool that happened once.

BTY, if you think LOOoooong back, to when claire got to meet her parents for the first time thanks to Mr. Bennett... my friend gave me an idea. Perhaps you guys allready thought of it, and I just wasnt around... but do any of you think that Mr. Bennett HIRED two people as actors to pretend to be Claires parents?
I think once he learned Claire had powers, we wanted to do several things. We wanted to learn more about the powers, he wanted to try to avoid Claire from studying her own powers, and also wanted to protect her. She was so worrie about where her powers came from, so instead of tracking down claire's real parents, he just hired two actors quick and told them what to tell her. Does is sound possible? Yeah?

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 3:19 am 
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Yeah i think it was pretty much confirmed through that episode that they were hired people by HRG, not the real parents.

And the source i got was from some interview he gave.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 4:26 am 
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Yea, those people were hired by HRG to play Claire's parents.

And yea, I've already said the possibility about the Haitian taking the Bennett family hostage. Apparently that's confirmed, because it was shown in the previews.

Ooh, that would be an interesting twist if the Haitian was the mastermind. We've never heard him talk, he just sorta follows HRG around.

As for my favorite heroes, I'd have to say Micah, and also Niki/Jessica. I know almost everyone hates her (not just here on PPT, but on 9th Wonders too), but there's something about her that's really cool. Hiro I don't like, just because his power is a bit cliche. Peter is alright, but his hair fixing is getting on my nerves.


Speculation Central - Thinking about the future... Today!

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 5:27 am 
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Hello, it's my first post in the thread! :D

Wow, this is the first TV drama I've actually followed! It's amazing. XD I love stuff like this.

Instead of going into all the previous episodes I shall give my insight for this episode. :3

Was anyone else reminded of Tom Riddle/Voldemort when introduced to the man who became Sylar? The resemblance is really uncanny when you think about it...

It's interesting, though, because it seems like Peter and Sylar have close to the same power... am I right to expect some sort of battle between them at the end? Hm.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 8:36 pm 
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Kyusil wrote:
Hello, it's my first post in the thread! :D

Wow, this is the first TV drama I've actually followed! It's amazing. XD I love stuff like this.

Instead of going into all the previous episodes I shall give my insight for this episode. :3

Was anyone else reminded of Tom Riddle/Voldemort when introduced to the man who became Sylar? The resemblance is really uncanny when you think about it...

It's interesting, though, because it seems like Peter and Sylar have close to the same power... am I right to expect some sort of battle between them at the end? Hm.

Now that you mention it, he does kind of remind me of Tom Riddle! I never would have thought of it though....

Peter and Sylar dont have the same powers thought. Peter's powers consist of "power mimiciry" (if thats how you spell it)... or mimic. He can temporarily feed off of the powers of the people around him. Sylar... only has powers if we steals them from somebody by killing them. And keeps them.
WHICH brings up another good topic.
DOES sylar actually have ANY powers to himself? In HIS brain? Because at first, when Mohinder's dad tested him, he said he must have been mistaken, and he had no powers after all... and of course, this kid REALLY WANTED powers.... but, couldnt get any to work. But, he was also extremely intelligent and was intrigued by the evolution theory almost to a point of insanity.... once he KILLED a guy, he got a power... but he.. stole the power. And we still arent sure what he does with the brains that gives him the powers.... thus, couldnt one say that he doesnt actually have any real powers, but just... steals the powers from others and uses them?

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 9:03 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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Damnit, he's said it himself several times. He can sense how things work.

He can 'hear' a marginally broken clock, he can sense exactly how the powers in people brain works. HRG said something along the lines of 'your dna is severly damaged from all those powers' indicating that somehow he alters himself or his own brain to activate the powers of those he kills.

Peter when he gets near Sylar would assumedly go crazy or unconscious or something due to the sheer number of powers he absorbs (as is stereotypical in drama). He might even suddenly feel the urge to rip Sylars head off. I wonder whether Peter was close enough in the locker room, if it was an exceptionally close range power it'd be crap.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 9:54 pm 
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Christopher wrote:
Damnit, he's said it himself several times. He can sense how things work.

He can 'hear' a marginally broken clock, he can sense exactly how the powers in people brain works. HRG said something along the lines of 'your dna is severly damaged from all those powers' indicating that somehow he alters himself or his own brain to activate the powers of those he kills.

Peter when he gets near Sylar would assumedly go crazy or unconscious or something due to the sheer number of powers he absorbs (as is stereotypical in drama). He might even suddenly feel the urge to rip Sylars head off. I wonder whether Peter was close enough in the locker room, if it was an exceptionally close range power it'd be crap.

Im just wondering exactly what that "somehow" is... we all know the rest, its what he physically does to alter himself to enable those powers. He needs THEIR brains to use their powers, but how they are transferred from their brain to his... is unknown.

But I do like what you said about Peter also... I never even thought about that.... that he could black out or absorb way too many powers at once. Thats incredibly smart!

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 1:33 am 
Way Beyond Godly
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It would be interesting to see, but like I said, in the locker room nothing really happened. Except in the next episode somebody said Peter was in a coma and this could be the result of too many powers.

If you go by the theory that all the characters are horribly defective due to their powers (memory girls anneurysm, Cops Dyslexia, Telepaths 'broken-ness', etc), for Sylar there would be compound damage from all the powers at once. This leads to HRG telling him how his DNA is degraded. However, think about Peter for a moment. He absorbs powers and so assumedly is always having to change his brain or dna or whatever every time. This assumedly would be even more deadly.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 3:13 am 
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I remembered another thought I had: if Sylar somehow 'ingests' the brains of his victims, perhaps Charlie's anneurysm would weaken him? She seems like she should play a bigger part than Hiro's motivation, because he already has plenty of motivation.

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 6:01 am 
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I'm just gonna say that I'm going to be horribly bored on Mondays for the month and a half that Heroes isn't showing. :\

And I've been seeing the previews for Monday's episode, and I noticed that first they say one of the heroes is going to die, then there's the gunshot. Now, obviously that's probably from Jessica's sniper rifle, but I just don't think D.L. is going to die yet. There's still so many holes in Niki/Jessica/D.L/Micah's sub-plot that it wouldn't make sense to kill him off so early. Unless, of course, there were contract conflicts.


Speculation Central - Thinking about the future... Today!

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 1:36 am 
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Yay! It's nice to see that Heroes has so many fans at PPT. I love the show too -- I'd been anticipating it since April or May and I've enjoyed every episode since it premiered. A friend of mine is one of the writer/exec. producers. Each writer is responsible for a specific character's arc, and his character is Claire. (He also wrote the episode "Collision," the one with Future Hiro's first appearance.) Claire's my favorite character, with Hiro a very close second, and I also like Niki/Jess.

werepup, we'll find out this season (I think) how Peter gets his scar, and according to someone in the know, it's apparently "f-ing amazing." :) I don't have any spoilers, though... I don't like being spoiled, at least not for major stuff, so I don't even ask.


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PostPosted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 3:08 am 
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Frickin awesome!

I guess Peter fianlly got sick from too many powers. I still don't understand his vision though? what made him see the future? Or an altered version of the future? I guess he comes across Ted in New York but can't control the power he has and explodes. (obviously can't really happen cause Hiro mentioned a scar that we haven't seen yet)
Why in Peters vision was everyone turning away from him except hs brother who walked right up to him with an angry look on his face? Thoughts?

Eden's gone! Sylars gonna get out! The Haitian has something up his sleve.

Wayyyy too long till January!

Found this on 9th wonders:
Christopher Ecclestons Character Spoiler:
Claude, an invisible man played by British actor Christopher Eccleston (Doctor Who), appears January 22. "He's been living with his invisibility for many years and has come to grips with it, so he'll give us a different view into this hero world," [Heroes creator Tim] Kring explains. "He's big, imposing and charismatic, and will become a mentor to Peter - albeit a tough, reluctant and stern one. He'll help Peter learn to use and control his powers."

~Zilary - No, thats not me. :D

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 3:18 am 
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This was a VERY good episode.

I for one am glad Eden is gone. I saw it coming. However, I'm not sure if she shot herself (so Sylar couldn't get her power) or if Sylar shot her using his telekinesis.

Poor Claire. :( Zach was the only person she could trust and talk to, and now his memory of the past weeks were wiped so she can't talk to him. And she can't show him because (1) she broke the tapes, and (2) I think he would really be freaked out if he saw her trying to kill herself.

I might be wrong, but something tells me that HRG wasn't planning on the Haitian to do whatever he did to the mom and Lyle. And I think he is going to not wipe Claire's memory.


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PostPosted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 3:23 am 
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Dragonfire wrote:
This was a VERY good episode.

I for one am glad Eden is gone. I saw it coming. However, I'm not sure if she shot herself (so Sylar couldn't get her power) or if Sylar shot her using his telekinesis.

Poor Claire. :( Zach was the only person she could trust and talk to, and now his memory of the past weeks were wiped so she can't talk to him. And she can't show him because (1) she broke the tapes, and (2) I think he would really be freaked out if he saw her trying to kill herself.

I might be wrong, but something tells me that HRG wasn't planning on the Haitian to do whatever he did to the mom and Lyle. And I think he is going to not wipe Claire's memory.

I don't think Eden shot herself because Sylar made her he wouldn't have because he would want her brain intact. She did it so he wouldn't get her power.

I don't think the Haitian i going to wipe Claires memory either, like I said he has something else in mind...

~Zilary - No, thats not me. :D

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 3:30 am 
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Awesome episode. Now that's the way to keep someone hooked over a hiatus. *glares at Lost*

My main gripe is that the Niki/Jessica/DL/Micah storyline still doesn't tie into the larger picture. It kinda dragged down the episode a bit, but seeing them in Peter's vision even though he never met them before is a bit of a consolation.

Glad to see that Matt's storyline is starting to gain some momentum. Had to laugh at the interrogation scene with Peter.

The exploding Peter twist? Never saw it coming. I thought it'd be Sylar or Ted the radiation man. I have to wonder why Hiro and Isaac were there though- when Hiro visited the future, he was stuck in Isaac's loft, where Isaac laid dead. (I'm confused on which tense I'm supposed to be using...yikes!) Perhaps Peter's vision may not be of the future since he wasn't near Isaac, but rather some sort of omen. Also, the answer to why he's coughing remains to be seen, and also the answer to what happens if he ever meets the Haitian. It'd be funny if both of them ended up forgetting everything.

Hiro and the dinosaur? I think he's gonna create a time rift.

Eden made a predictably stupid move, going in with a gun, but I do believe that she shot herself at the last moment so that Sylar won't be able to steal her power. Loved the twist.

And of course, I have to feel sorry for Claire. Losing your best (and presumably only) friend has got to suck. And with HRG on the phone saying he had to keep Sylar alive...I'm thinking again that he's on the evil side.

Yay for the Haitian getting to speak! I'm glad to see he has his own agenda- first off, making Claire pretend that she was deep-cleaned. Sort of the same situation with Eden before, I suppose.

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