Kugetsu wrote:
^ Same, though I'm PRETTY sure I don't.
Oh, and guys/gals, make sure Team Aqua doesn't get it. They're already severely powerful [maybe even over-powered]. They're dealing 80 damage when not a single one of my Pokemon is over the level of 7 (because it's nigh impossible for them to level up, and 2/3 of the Pokemon I started out with were pretty much useless outside of killing themself, but they still don't get EXP, Level, or anything for it I'm sure.)
Somehow, I doubt you pokemon were 'useless'. That Duskll was nasty.
Kugetsu wrote:
Yeah... Dyl (and possibly Noo) are gaining levels nearly every turn because they are picking off Pokemon left and right, which is seriously making the game lopsided (while I can't gain levels at all, since they've been level 6 since pretty much forever, because my Pokemon are SO POWERFUL!and have 100 HP, because that's what they said *rolls eyes*)
This is, quite simply,
not happening. We are not incredibly powerful, we are not picking off everyone's pokemon.
Kugetsu wrote:
Everyone still playing needs to make attacks on those two and nothing else until they're dead, or don't bother sending a list at all. Seriously. Might as well just give up if you aren't going to attack them.
Remember, he's just trying to shift attention away from himself. He's annoyed that everyone's beating him.
Kugetsu wrote:
Oh, BTW, if Team Aqua gets the strong Pokemon, the game's pretty much over anyway.
Really, we're as strong as any other team, depending on how that team works together. I'd be worried if the hometown heroes got it, since they already have that snorlax, and a wide variety of types (as opposed to our
very limited amount of types).
We're getting balanced out by the MC. No need for you to bully us.
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