21st November
* The Toy Shop has some new action figures for your Neopet to play with.
* There is a new page of Neopian Poems for you to look at.
The Tale of Woe - Mayor Thumburt has been defeated! See what happens in Chapter 15, the conclusion of the Tale of Woe!
Thanks to everyone who participated in the plot. We hope you enjoyed it! This week is quite short due to US holiday, so we'll begin the arduous ultra-fun task of tallying points starting next week!
* Well done dorktape and ShyCowPie, your website
100% Kau, has just earned you a shiny Site Spotlight award.
* The Plushie Palace has some new plushies now on sale.
* The winner of this week's Minigolf Spotlight is master_video_g__ss with their rather unusual course -
Windy Alley.
* There are some new Shopkeepers for you to choose from!
Neovia! - With things (mostly) restored, the citizens of Neovia have begun to rebuild their city. Shops are reopening, and lives are returning to normal. (Well, as normal as they can be in the Haunted Woods.) Why not help out by taking a vacation to Neovia and spending some Neopoints?
* Gathows can now be painted Snow, Plushie, Blue and Black at the Petpet Puddle.
* It's that time again! A new Story Telling has begun.
Kiyer rubbed his head ruefully and glared at the Skeith, then turned around to look at the half dozen or so fellow prisoners in his cell. "Well?" he demanded. "What can we do? How do we escape?"
* This week, why not put your thinking cap on and try to work out something witty to say for our new Caption Contest.
UPDATE! - We've got a suprise in store for the site tomorrow, so try to stop by if you can.
(One of the big areas of the site is getting a bit of an overhaul, but don't tell anyone we told you!)
* Tell someone you care with this new Greeting. Awwwwww.
* The very first Pet Spotlight trophy of the week has been given to xXxDominosxXx the Moehog.
* Add some music to your life with some of these new instuments from the Music Shop.