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Tue Oct 31, 2006 11:25 pm

This stinks.
It's 3 a.m. when midnight rolls around on neo - which means there is no possible way for me to acquire the side bar as I'm sound asleep at that time. :(

Tue Oct 31, 2006 11:34 pm

I have a quick question. Are we allowed to get the sidebar on a side account? Would it be possible/okay to get the side bar on your main, then quickly change to your side and refresh to get in on your side before the minute is up?

I'm sorry for all you guys who can't stay up for it. :( They should make it available at two times a day, for people in different time zones and people who have work, school and such!

Lucky for me, it'll be 2 AM, and I'll be up then, easy.

Tue Oct 31, 2006 11:45 pm

Meer wrote:I have a quick question. Are we allowed to get the sidebar on a side account? Would it be possible/okay to get the side bar on your main, then quickly change to your side and refresh to get in on your side before the minute is up?

I'd imagine so, as it's not gaining any extra Neopoints.

Tue Oct 31, 2006 11:45 pm

Meer wrote:I have a quick question. Are we allowed to get the sidebar on a side account? Would it be possible/okay to get the side bar on your main, then quickly change to your side and refresh to get in on your side before the minute is up?

I'm sorry for all you guys who can't stay up for it. :( They should make it available at two times a day, for people in different time zones and people who have work, school and such!

Lucky for me, it'll be 2 AM, and I'll be up then, easy.

That would be perfectly legal. Just as you are allowed to collect avatars on your side account (as long as they do not require you to do freebies, plots, or other main-account-only activities), you would be allowed to collect sidebars.

Wed Nov 01, 2006 12:49 am

angisfab wrote:
pinkflamingonewsgirl wrote:Is the Halloween Sidebar we're acquiring tonight the same sidebar that is being shown now?

Yes; like the birthday sidebar, it is available to everyone for one day (well, the birthday one twice, but that's beside the point). If you want it permanently, you need to get the RE around midnight NST.

What's the other day that you get the birthday sidebar?

Wed Nov 01, 2006 12:56 am

pinkflamingonewsgirl wrote:
angisfab wrote:
pinkflamingonewsgirl wrote:Is the Halloween Sidebar we're acquiring tonight the same sidebar that is being shown now?

Yes; like the birthday sidebar, it is available to everyone for one day (well, the birthday one twice, but that's beside the point). If you want it permanently, you need to get the RE around midnight NST.

What's the other day that you get the birthday sidebar?

Simple. You get it when it's your birthday, and you get it when it's Neopet's birthday. =P

Wed Nov 01, 2006 1:03 am

oooo...that's not too far away either, eh.

Wed Nov 01, 2006 1:39 am

halloween sidebar, i am so excited! i know i know, that's 2 am for me, but i don't care...i'll set my alarm a little before 1:59, and then i'll wait a bit, get the avatar, and go back to bed. all in a nights work :D

Wed Nov 01, 2006 3:52 am

Has anyone posted about where in Neopets you need to be when you refresh to get the permanent sidebar?

Wed Nov 01, 2006 3:53 am don't have to be anywhere just have to go to any page at 11:59 NST

Wed Nov 01, 2006 3:55 am

Thanks - hope I can get myself woke up enough to actually get out of bed!

Wed Nov 01, 2006 3:59 am

Hmm.. 12 am eh?
That's 1 am here.
I think I can handle that.

I had NO idea what it was all about last year.
Lets just hope I don't.. freeze.. or something when I refresh. That would be cruel!

Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:01 am

I'm a little nervous about that, myself...the internet connection at my school is kind of crappy...

Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:17 am

Are we allowed to get the sidebar on our sideaccounts too?

Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:25 am

crystalnox wrote:Are we allowed to get the sidebar on our sideaccounts too?

that question has been answered above. And yes it is possible, as long as your not doing main-account only things on a side account. Ie. Playing games for points, using Fruit Machine/Tombola/Cotzan and others
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