In her room, Lynn sat on her bed, her arms wrapped around her legs and her chin resting on her knees. The curtains were drawn, presumably to prevent the Skells from seeing the Chosen Ones. The only light she had was the flickering flame of a candle on her table.
She was a Chosen One, huh.
The events of the past few days had happened all too quickly for Lynn to comprehend. As she did whenever she was confused, which was not often, she became submissive and listened carefully to the instructions she had been given. Obeying the orders Nimros had given was her one sure anchor that she was still here, in this world.
Everything was so surreal. Ever since she had fallen through that hole, Lynn had felt out of touch with herself. Her body moved and functioned according to whatever was required of her, but Lynn, the real Lynn, seemed to be hiding somewhere in the back of her mind, watching in confusion. Now that she finally had some time alone, the old Lynn was trying to make a connection with the new Lynn. There seemed to be a gap in her memory of who she was, disorientated as she had been in the last few days.
As the memories came back, she understood more clearly what being a Chosen One really meant. At the time of her transformation, she had thought it was all a dream and hadn't really paid attention to what Nimros was saying. Now that she felt in full possession of her wits, she began to realize the immense task that had been thrust upon her -- no, she corrected herself, the task that she had chosen to undertake. She had volunteered to fight the Empire.
And here Lynn had been thinking that she would never have to do anything for the kings and their households again. She smiled drily. Even though she had no idea what had been happening to her, she had still managed to ask to eat the bread from her bakery. It was a small thing to rejoice over, but she had noted with pleasure that their bakery's bread was not the best in the country. So much for the head baker's boasting -- not that she would get a chance to tell him so anytime soon.
She shivered, but this time it wasn't from the Skells.
If only she had known what she was doing at the time, she thought with sudden fierce regret, then she would at least have demanded sufficient wealth to last a lifetime. She could have asked the kings of Sezentur to take care of her sister (and Lowis, if Mynn insisted) while Lynn was gone. Give her a better home to live in, better clothes to wear, better everything so that Mynn wouldn't need to worry about how to make ends meet. She had enough problems already, what with expecting a baby and a permanently antagonistic husband. Meanwhile, Lynn was staying in the most luxurious room she had ever been in, barring the palace, a room as large as their entire cabin back home.
Lynn wondered if it was still too late to ask. She stood up, then sat back down on the edge of her bed. She didn't know where she could find Nimros at this time of night. Still, he was a mage, wasn't he? Perhaps he would hear her if she just spoke, and if he couldn't, well, she'd ask again in the morning.
'Nimros,' she addressed the wall. 'Hey, Nimros.' She stopped, feeling foolish, then decided to persevere. 'Would you mind asking the kings to take care of my sister while I'm gone? She's going to have a baby soon and our home isn't the best place in the world to have one in, so nicer accomodation, and enough money to live off would be nice. Please tell her not to worry about me and that I got another job.' She paused, not knowing what to say. 'Well... Good night.'
She blew out the candle and climbed back into bed.
So Lynn was a Chosen One, was she? Then she'd better get a good night's rest before they left the next day.