Did you ever talk to anyone about this problem, like school teachers, or your parents or anybody? It's understandable that it was hard, and strange that kids would just gravitate to pick on you, but as a youth, did you atleast act in some proactive fashion?
Your older now too, focusing on this is doing nothing for your self-esteem ecept a lowing your to be more sorry for yourself. A lot of people were bullied when they were little. Don't talk about the troubles you face, be about them. Have you ever thought about perhas doings something? You could join a volunteer organization, perhaps going around to schools in your area and talking about bullying and prevention.
It's a chain of trouble, and I've seen a lot of kids (especially working in an ECE program, and with elementary students), suffer form bullying, and grow into it and accept it as if there's a reason for it.
ginger vegetarian pop icicle club* wrote:
All because I'm a redhead. I'm filthy, I'm ugly, I'm stupid, I deserve not to be happy because I just happen to have one of the most 'minging' hair colours on the face of the planet. There are thousands of other redheads in the UK who have the exact same problem as I do. It's not racism but it isn't far off. And it still really hurts to hear people far and wide, even from celebrities, talk about us and abuse us like this.
And you accept it too!
Thats what I fail to understand. You can't accept that there's a reason for people to insult you. You're actually flat out calling yourself filthy and ugly. if you call yourself that, what stopping others?