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PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 3:33 am 
Beyond Godly
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I know, Ammer. :( I wanted them to have a Middle Eastern/North Africa group.

Maybe next season, there will be four tribes: Christian, Jewish, Islam, Atheistic. ;o

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 6:15 am 
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What's with your sig? I don't spam... I encourage social discourse.

Anyway, asians won the first challenge. What do you guys think? Was this predictable? The "blacks" already segregated their won team into men vs women @_@... well something I learned from watching. Never steal a black man's chicken.

Hold onto your seats people... the SL is back.

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 1:09 pm 
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I don't know, I can't tell the team names apart. XD They all sound the same to me! Why can't they have tribe names like "Green" and "Red" and "Blue" when there's more than two so that I know who is where?

I like Cao Boi. And I want to try his headache thing, because I get horrid headaches. He seems like a really fun guy. I do not like how the females were acting disgusted by how he was helping that... Man With Headache. If something works to get rid of a migraine, they should be darn happy they've got Cao Boi.

Didn't like how Team Yellow seperated into men and women. It's just sad. I bet their team gets wiped out first because the women will be "YAY! WOMEN! STRONG WOMEN! RAWR!" and think that getting rid of the guy, who looks stronger than them combined, is a good idea. And then they will all lose challenges, because no one on that team looks too smart. :P

Team Cracka (aka the whiteys) don't seem alltogether too smart either, but I did like that... what's her name... she called herself Flicka or something... released the chickens. XD I don't particularly like anyone from that team either.

The last team... I think their color was red, right? They didn't seem to get as much air time, so I don't really have an opinion on them yet. But I didn't really like the guy who was like "WE CAME OVER ON BOATS BLAH BLAH" when most of them, INCLUDING HIM, were probably born in America anyway. (Didn't he say he was a first gen. American?)



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PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 6:30 pm 

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I wish the show was a little longer. It's kinda choppy with them having to jump around to more tribes.

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 8:00 pm 
PPT Toddler
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i love survivor

i didnt really like sekeu.. he was ok i guess. but my favorite people are the asian that had the headache and that african girl named rebeca

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 9:38 pm 
PPT Warrior
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I didn't like it.

I turned it off after about 20 minutes.

I hate any kind of segregation.

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 5:16 pm 
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Jen wrote:
I didn't like it.

I turned it off after about 20 minutes.

I hate any kind of segregation.

It's not like the black people weren't allowed to participate in competitions. It's just a social experiment, I really don't see a problem.

Set by Medli

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 2:34 am 
PPT Toddler
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yeah, i think its fun.... my asian friend was all happy and then my black friend was like O YEA, YOU'LL ALL SEE and it was fun.... but you have your own opinion

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 3:27 am 
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Second episode review, here we go!

The Hiki Tribe -- Hiki actually rose to the top of my list, I really liked how they pulled together and banded as a team. It was extremely evident in the challenge when they won (Well, third place) and they just kept jumping up and down. I thought it was nice.

The Rara Tribe -- Wow, this tribe is really getting me mad. I cannot stand most of these character's any more. First off, Adam, my God, I despise that man. He is so arrogant and rude, and the way he was treating Jessica (Or Jennifer, someone help me out!), was inexusable. And those pieces of furniture (The "flirty" girls) didn't even have an opinion.

Here's for Adam being kicked off soon!

The Puka Tribe -- Liked how they conquered in the challenge, and I do think that Cao Boi's jokes aren't as bad as they're saying. I agree it can get annoying but they're making it seem like he's racist, to his own kind? I understand that he's Vietnamese (Right?) but it's not like he's only attacking Korean's or something. Over-reaction much?

Oh, and Yul finding the Idol, what a shocker. It wasn't a hard clue, I was thinking about it the first time they showed it. The problem with this game is that this Idol thing is crap, they need to scrap Exile Island, it's getting very old.

The Aitu Tribe -- Wow, this tribe is full of morons. First, Christine gets all angry for something stupid and Ozzy gets arrogant. And just when you think they can't get worse, they THROW A CHALLENGE. And it's just the second set of days, and they got rid of their own member! That doesn't even make sense; think about it, why would you WANT to lose a challenge? If you're not losing in the first place, than leave Billy alone. Just keep competing and if you lose, THEN vote him out. But if not, save him until you HAVE to go to Tribal Council. I hope they lose again so they'll whine and cry about how they should've kept Billy.

And who else really hates JP? I cannot stand him, he's rude and completely disrespectful. I swear, he's one of the stupidest players to ever play this game. Who throws a challenge when they don't need too? But Ozzy isn't too far behind, he's going to be in hot water once the girls realize they need to vote someone out and even if it may be a tie, it'll be against Ozzy and Christina. He's stupider for even thinking about the throwing idea.

Btw, did anyone else find that "love story" Billy confessed about slightly...odd? It didn't make sense and I honestly think that was the last nail in his coffin. That was ridiculous, that "flirty" girl was just being nice.


Favourite Tribes

1. Hiki
2. Puka
3. Rara
4. Aitu

Favourite Castaways

1. Yul
2. Jessica
3. Cao Boi

Hated Castaways

1. JP
2. Adam
3. Ozzy

Set by Medli

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 10:14 pm 
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Ammer wrote:
Jen wrote:
I didn't like it.

I turned it off after about 20 minutes.

I hate any kind of segregation.

It's not like the black people weren't allowed to participate in competitions. It's just a social experiment, I really don't see a problem.

Yeah, at first, i thought it was dumb... like "whats the purpose of seperating them? to see which race does better?"

but its not like that at all.. its a social experiment, and i find it very interesting... people who are offended by this at all should watch more into the show.... the first few episodes, like usual, are about the tribes forming, and seeing how they do... it really has nothing to do with race. But then its seeing if alliances stick, or if they will stay with their racial backgrounds, or if it comes down to race or sex that might establish the voting chain after a merge.... i find it interesting. Its not about segregating them...... they could have mixed them up, because its really after they start switching it up that the whole racial thing becomes a little more interesting. But as long as they ARE doing it, theres no point to mix them up, its even a little more interesting if they seperate them into their own groups for the first while....

Except Coa Boi. GOD hes annoying. Usually, i like the silly one thats a little different... the guy who stands out. Just trying to have a little fun. But god, hes just nausiating. When it comes to racist jokes, i agree with him that even if they are not true, the jokes are invented to entertain people, and if you just laugh instead of being offended, there wont be a problem.

But that doesnt mean he needs to bash his own race over and over and over. I dont walk around making "cracker" jokes or something. Its not funny. If somebody else says it, THEN you can "beat the racism" by going along with it.... but you dont just sit there making fun of your team to prove a point....

Ozzy needs to go. What a frickin loser. He sickens me. He thinks he's playing the game so well, and that he's staying on top of the game and nobody notices, but people notice. He thinks hes the leader of the group and the other people dont think that way.... but i mean, come on, he says throw the challenge, and they do? The poor guy might not have done work, but he wasnt NEGATIVE for the group. he wasnt postive, but there was no point to throw the challenge to get him off. That was stupid.

The sad thing is, if the guy who was voted off WOULDNT have said that whole love thing at the last second, the girls would have voted ozzy off. They WOULD have... but too bad he had to open his yap. Ozzy thinks hes got a one way ticket to the final four... but id be willing to bet money that he'll be gone within 5 episodes... once the people realise what a scumbag he is. God i strongly dislike ozzy.

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 1:54 am 
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Two tribe time!

The Rara Tribe -- At first, I didn't really like the tribe all too much. You have Parvati who looks really ugly when she smiles and yet thinks that will "sway" the guys (Most likely will, Nate and Adam are pretty thick). Doesn't she also act a bit like Ashlee Simpson? I don't know, I just got that from her.

I liked how Stephannie immediately started talking about the reaction to the segregated tribes. She's so intelligent, and I felt so bad when she was chosen last.

Oh, and choosing Kandice (sp?) to leave for Exile Island (Hate this twist) was a bit of an odd decision. Cao Boi would've been my choice as I would figure that the tribe would vote him out or that he'd be even weaker for the next challenge. But I can see that Kandice wasn't that bad of a choice.

The Aitu Tribe -- This tribe sucks.

Yul, is a complete idiot for telling Becky he has the Idol. That's the dumbest thing in the world, you barely know her and you're telling her "secrets". It's ridiculous, she's going to backstab sooner or later (She has that look) and he still tells her. Bad move imo.

Jonathon is someone I can't really put a label on. He isn't very threatening and telling Flicka/Jessica that voting Becky out was a bad move wasn't very logical. It didn't make sense, she would've had the majority and she knows the Rara tribe was going to kick her off first, why let them do it?

And Cecilia! Why did they vote her out? She was a strong player helping them win challenges, voting out Becky would've been more beneficial! God! Aitu will never please me.


Favourite Tribes

1. Rara
2. Aitu

Favourite Castaways

1. Stephannie
2. Cecilia

Hated Castaways

1. Nate
2. Adam
3. Becky

Set by Medli

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