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PostPosted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 3:05 am 
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Wouldn't it be cool if neopets were kinda like tamagotchis? when you fed them, there was a little animation of them eating? and so on? That would be cool.. .


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PostPosted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 3:07 am 
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yvonne_l_d wrote:
_jade_em_ wrote:

I know this would take LOADS of work, but I wanna be able to put my items in my neoHome. Like, they'd stay as pictures in my Inventory, but you can put them into your neoHome too, on top of a table or on the floor, or (this'll take even more work,) into a drawer and when you click on the drawer it opens up and shows you what's inside xP

Well, i think too much change to the neohome format would upset some of the avid neohomers, because often some of the most gorgeous neohomes are based on using things other than what they already are. For example, using windows as doors, tables as rugs, etc. So making things too realistic might change that.

Yeah, we should be wary to upset all 4 of them :P

Neohomes is too unpopular to not change :)

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 10:55 am 
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No. I don't think Neopets should be like other MMORPG games, like runescape.
1) Too adictive.
2) Neo won't stand out. It won't be special any longer!

But I like the idea that we can interact with our pets. Maybe we'll have the "Talk to your pet" thing, like the "Talk to petpet" thing. But I hope there'd be more kinds of responses, unlike the petpet one...
My petpet always purrs or growls or say things like "This site is family friendly" or do things like thump its feet on the ground or stuff like that. That'd be too normal and boring.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 1:26 pm 
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But I'd probably only be happy if there were, like, THOUSANDS of choices for hair, skin, eyes, clothes, etc. xD To avoid too many users looking like the same person.

I was thinking the same thing about this. They have to have LOTS of choices.

I know that for me personally I wouldn't like it if Neopets became like Runescape or Puzzle pirates or Mapleworld, I'm not particularly fond of games that you have to interact with other members in, that's why I like Neopets, I pretty much keep to myself on Neopets. That's just my introverted self though. :) other people might like it.

I like the pet playground idea too maybe when you take your pet to the playground they would bring their petpet along and could interact with them.
Although I think maybe the reason they don't do animated interactions is because it would slow the site down for the people who have slow computers or dial up connections.

I like this thread, I wish more people would come and post their ideas.

It's just a game, it's just a game, it's just a game, it's just a ga....Yeah, you keep telling yourself that.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 6:58 pm 
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zorg wrote:
yvonne_l_d wrote:
Well, i think too much change to the neohome format would upset some of the avid neohomers, because often some of the most gorgeous neohomes are based on using things other than what they already are. For example, using windows as doors, tables as rugs, etc. So making things too realistic might change that.

Yeah, we should be wary to upset all 4 of them :P

Neohomes is too unpopular to not change :)

What? No, you gotta be kidding me! Neohomes are the best thing ever! But, on a serious note, there is a pretty active "subculture" of Neohomers who are extremely passionate about their art. One of the things I love about Neo is all the different niches people find. :) But, I think there could be changes made to neohoming that would not disturb homes that have already been built. I just think that the programers/artists find doing plots more interesting.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 7:53 pm 
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Here are some more neopet interactions I thought of:

Your pet says "I saw some pretty flowers and picked them for you!" You pet gives you "Red Wild Flowers" (These are the most beautiful wild red flowers that your pet has ever picked.) or "Mixed Wild Flowers" (Your pet spent hours picking out just the right mixture of flowers just for you. ) or "Wild White Daisys" (These are commonly found around neopia, but are very pretty anyway. ) "Wilted Flowers" (Well I meant to give these to you hours ago.... ) "Half Eaten Flowers" (Hey, I was hungry!) "Stolen Flowers" (That wasn't very nice!") Bright Yellow Pollen-Filled Flowers (Your pet risked getting the sneezles just to bring you these.) Ghostly Flowers (Your pet must have been very brave pick these! ) Snow flowers (Quickly enjoy these before they melt! ) Cactus Flowers (Kind of thorny, but so are roses.) Metal Flowers (They look more like nuts, bolts, and twists of green wire than flowers.) Space Flowers ( How did these manage to grow in space? ) Cloud Flowers ( These mere wisps of flowers look as though they will float away. ) Grunta Flauwuh: (This humongus beautiful flower came from Tyrannia. ) There could be many varietys to collect and some very rare ones.
Your pet would only give you these if it was happy and you are a good owner.

Your pet says: Look what I drew! Your pet gives you "Drawing of a tree." or "Drawing of a Rainbow" or "Scribbly Drawing." There could be so many to collect. Some would be more artistic than others. You could sale really rare or funny drawings your pet makes, or put them in your neohome, or trade them with others. If you get a drawing drawn by another pet it would somehow know it didn't draw that. You could play with the drawing too. Your pet would say "I remember drawing that! Your pet is very happy you liked the drawing."
Or it would say "That's pretty! But I can draw so much better!"

Sometimes your pet might find a pretty leaf or pretty rock or something to give you too.

Different species might find different things. Your Lupe might say "I smell something! Click here. Then you refresh the screen and it might say "It's coming from Neopia central! Click here to go to Neopia Central. Then you'd be there. Then each shop or area you click, your pet would say if the smell is strong or weak. "I can't smell it much here. Or "It's a little stronger, but not much. Or "We are getting closer but I think the smell is strongest near the book store." It would be a little game you could play. Some pets might play it differently.

Pets with larger ears might hear something. Other pets who have more psycic abilities might say they sense it. You could be hot or cold. It might say "I have a feeling we should visit the bushes near the wishing well." Then you could visit there an find something in the bushes. It might say "I smelled/felt/heard/tasted? (hissi taste with their tongue? ) it strongly near a rock near the money tree." Then you could look there.

You could collect lots of things, like leaves and stuff that your pet finds and later your pet could make something out of it, like a wreath, or you could use it for something. Or just something to remember your pet by.

Other pets might have special toys they like to bury. Like a Lupe might say "I'd like to bury this some place."

Then you could travel around neopia looking for a good place to bury something. Then your pet would say "Nah, this isn't a good spot, I think we should go to the desert." Then you go to the desert and it might say "Let's go toward the shrine. Click here." then you go there and it would bring up a screen with just a cactus and it would say "Yeah, that is the spot I was thinking about!" Then you could let your pet bury it's bone. While it is digging another pet might say "Hey, I buried a bone there! If you find it, it is mine." Or your pet might find something else buried there.
Steal bone. Click here. Return bone Click here. Leave Bone. Click here. If you return it, your pet can meet another pet like that. You return the bone to a nice Lupe named _____. Or it might say You leave the bone alone. It belongs to ______. This would be a good way for pets to meet other pets.
There could be an area of neopia that you could visit to see what your pet remembers about other pets.
It would be sort of a memory page.

Your pet has met the following pets this week. Or maybe it would only show for the day. I don't want the servers tied up too much.

Your pet has met 100 pets today. Or something and it would show a list.

Friendly pet interactions 50.
1-50 click here.

Returned Items to other pets: _ # of times.
Said a kind word: __ # of times.
Helped/ Defended/ Stood up for another pet __ # of times.
Cheered up another pet __ # of times.

Unfriendly pet interactions 50.
1-50 (click here)
Teased a pet _ # of times.
Scared a pet _ # of times.
Snubbed/ignored/avoided a pet _ # of times.
Stole something from another pet: "

Fight challenges: 10
(pets names here)

Fights avoided: 3
(Pets names here)

Fights accepted: 7

Fights won: 4
(results/stats of fights here)

Fights lost: 3
(Results/stats of fights here)

Your pet is currently: Fighting Pet/Peaceful Pet/ or Main Fighting Pet would be here.

You have corrected your pet __ # of times today. Your pet is currently (Peaceful/Ready to fight another pet/Contemplating what it has learned/Disobedient/ Obedient/ Mischievious/ Indifferent

So your pet can be delighted but still feel a little angry at being taught a lesson. It can be delighted but still disobedient or indifferent to instruction. Or it can be thinking about what it learned or peaceful with it.

I guess you could even have a friends list for your pet, if your pet kept meeting the same pets a lot, it would eventually be that pet's friend. But if you didn't want your pet to be friends with someone else's pet, you could avoid them or take it off the list.

Pet like a buzz might want to start a honey comb at a certain tree. Or your usul might want to store a nut in a certain place.

Then you can go back later and get it. Your pet would say "Let's go back and get that nut I stored. Can you remember where it was?"

Something cute like that would be a little game you could play with your pet.

They would have to make a few more places in neopia, like bushes, trees, rocks, hollow trees, glades, or stuff. It would just be one screen with a hole, bush, rock, or area to be use for these activities.

Some pets might not be interested in burying bones or storing nuts. Some might like to look for interesting rocks or flowers. Others might not be interested in that either. They might like to hide and jump out to scare another pet.

Your pet might say, "I want to hide behind a rock and jump out and scare someone. Lets go look for a good spot." Then you'd look around. It might say "I think I see a good spot near here." Or "This place isn't what I had in mind." Your pet would want to find the perfect spot to do it. The once you found it your pet would say. "Yeah, click on the rock over there. I'll hide there."

Then your pet would hide and it would say "Your pet is hiding. Click here."
Then it would say "Your pet jumps out and scares a pet named ______." Or it would say "No one is visiting this area, so your pet doesn't scare anyone."
It would only work if someone was in the area. Then they would get a message. "As you approach the rock, a pet named _____ jumps out and growls, scaring your pet! Don't worry, it was just a prank!"

If you have a very nasty pet it might want to fight with the pet it scares then it might say to the other owner "Wanna fight? Click here to challenge me if you are brave enough!" But you might get on your screen: "Your pet is starting a fight. Do you want to let this happen or do you pull your pet away? Continue the fight click here. Pull your pet away click here. Then if you continue the fight challenge that would be like teaching your pet it is ok to start a fight. So your pet will do that more often, even if the other person doesn't want to fight them. If the other person refuses to fight it would say "You continue the challenge, but the other pet doesn't want to fight. Your pet says "Lets look for another fight. I think we should go south." But if you pulled your pet away from the fight it would say "I won't be starting any fights for a while. I am starting to think it isn't a good idea!" So you can retrain your pet this way.

There would be different levels of fighting pets, based on fights issued, fights won, ect.

Peaceful Pets: This pet has very little to no fighting experience.

Fighting Pet: This pet has fought in wars, has fought defensively, and has started a few fights of it's own. It has some fighting experience, but not a lot.

Main Fighting Pet: This pet fights a lot every day and has a lot of fighting experience.


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PostPosted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 11:05 pm 
PPT Toddler
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smudge- I love your ideas. I'd totally enjoy Neo more if some thing like your ideas were implemented.

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 1:54 am 
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Well, many people have asked for a java world or a Massive role playing world where you walk around with your pets and interact with the environment like on Runescape or something. While that would be awesome and I would love it, the simpliest thing would be let us use our imagination. So I think it is possible to do my suggestion, because you basically get pop ups now an then and you choose how your pet will react to the situation. If it will search for something, bury something, tease a pet, stand up for another pet that is being bullied, cheer up sad pet, share a toy or other things. So as you travel around neopia you would get a lot of these random events based on who else is visiting the page. You could just ignore other pets or the random events if you don't want to participate, and this would not make your pet's alignment go up or down. For example, if your pet wants to look for something, or smells something you can just refresh and not do anything.
Some people might actually not want to do all this. Maybe there can be a way to turn it off. So you can visit neopia without interacting with anyone or anything. It would just be "Turn interactions off" You will still be able to get random events, just not interaction events.


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PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 2:10 am 
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I don't know if this has been brought up yet (sorry, long day at classes, just got back at 9pm...), but adding alot of the "interactivity" that people want/suggested would really bog down the servers! They would have to add many many more to handle those types of queries, I think.

I would like Neopets to stay as-is...if I wanted super interactive I'd just play with my Tamagotchi from Japan :)

Please help my dragons grow and give a click!

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 2:12 am 
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Your ideas are great, smudge. :)

And personally, I think Neopets could also be fun if they added a reward to taking care of your pets, in addition to the Uni Hair/scales etc. thing that smudge suggested, they could also find items and neopoints depending on how content they are with you. It would be sorta like fishing, and I thought that your pets can choose their own "Favorite Foods" and you should always buy a Variety of food for them, not just the super cheap kinds because right now it doesn't matter. And playing with them with DIFFERENT toys and such will all go towards your happiness "experience points". The higher these are, the more often your pet will find neopoints/items during random events.

I think this might work really well, because the artists dont have to draw any new images, they just have to implement a new system into taking care of pets. And super rare battledome items and neggs and such that can only be found via taking care of your pets would make a good incentive too.

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 2:32 am 
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I like very much the idea to be more interactive with your pets, but I agree that interact with OTHER pets will slow the game far too much. But still, there's many things you can imagine that can make the game more interactive with your own pet, basically by adding more directed REs. (I remember there was a very interesting thead about it some time ago)

I totally like the flower thing idea, when your pet can give you something he gathers for you. It could be very fun too to have your pet remember you few days before his birthday that he want that or that gift. Or your pets offering you something for YOUR birthday. I can't remember many more, but there was a lot of that kind of ideas, based on more amusing and interactive REs that can give a lot more life to your pets. It should not be that much work to make some real characteristics (like your pet birthday, what game he likes, etc.) that can be used even in REs without loading the servers too much.

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 2:54 am 
PPT Toddler
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Yeah, those event type things couldn't take up that much server space could they?

Neo could free up some server space if they'd routinely get rid of abandoned and frozen accounts after a certain length of time...but, that's for another topic. I wonder how much space a single account takes up anway.

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