Most of the items that you mentioned are fairly new items. It usually takes several months (especially if the item is a quest item, like Baby Cybunny Chocolate Eggs) but eventually there will be enough of an item that the price settles to a certain point.
Bubble Herbal Drink is the cure for the Wheel of Excitement diesease, whichh gives it a high demand. It will keep going up in price (as the supply decreases) until the disease changes. Then they will slowly drop back towards their usual price under 500np, and the cure for the new disease will start to climb in price.
Gruslins (I think) had an avatar. Prices always spike after an avatar is announced that uses items. If the items aren't extremely rare, and aren't consumed to get the avatar, the price slowly works its way back down.
Those are just a few examples. A lot of the items I saw are certainly more than a few months old, and the price started dropping since 2-3 week ago. For example, the Gruslen avatar was released in April 04. So what you said still cannot explain the sudden price drop.
The only factor I knew of was the restocking change. It happend about 2 months ago but took a month or so for the new restockers to realize they can be part of it. That, coupled with the pricing pattern I've seen while pricing my stuff, led me to believe it is one of the factors. I've had this happened to be several times already - if my item didn't sell quicly enough, the price could go down quickly. For example, I got a Electric Gormball Gumball last weekend and I put it in store for 7800. At that time it was one of the lowest priced in SW, and was the lowest priced in my group. Last night I checked it was not sold, I got bumped down 7-8 slots, and the lowest priced was 6000. If you check the store of those items, most of the case you sell they are several item from the same shop that they restocked.
So there have been suggestions that the new restocking system would help to fight the inflation. I think this is certainly true.