Siniri wrote:
I think it's great that you want to start an adoption agency. I'd offer my adopted lab pet if she were to turn into anything good (she was a Christmas Tuskaninny, got zapped pink, and is currently yellow). But if you advertise the pets on your page, won't that encourage stalkers to potentially hang out at the pound hoping to snag the pretty painted pets? I mean, they won't know the time of the adoption, but they'll know the name by looking on the page or at your look-up. Or am I missing something here?
Sure, I guess. If they wanted to hang around for days on end, constantly refreshing. As long as nothing obvious is put up on the pet page - such as "ADOPTED - In transaction" people aren't as likely to try for it.
If anything, the worry is someone getting it by random. But that's always a worry with adoption and has nothing to do with adoption centers.
What would be neat is a pet password. Say, the pet can't be adopted without the password for an hour, or something. But that would probably have bad side effects. :/