I will, shortly, and for the first time, 'quick-adopt' a pet. Now I've gotten an explanation, yes, but I want absolute clarity on this thing as it's very important for me. Am I correct in assuming that all I have to do is type in
http://www.neopets.com/process_adopt.phtml?pet_name=PETSNAME this link, replacing 'PETSNAME', with the pet's name, and then keep refreshing on the time the owner had agreed to pound it? For example,
http://www.neopets.com/process_adopt.ph ... =Jenni_Gov
- For the record, Jenni_Gov is my pet, so you don't need to try

While I keep refreshing, the amount required to adopt will just be deducted from my NP, and the pet will be put with me as soon as it enters the pound and I refresh, yes?
I'm sorry if this sounds like an obvious question, but I want absolute clarity on this.