Ok, so it made me wonder... if the lab can change your Grundo to marshmallow, is there a marshmallow world? I have seen screenies that showed marshmallow world but I am wondering if people were faking them. I saw two screenies of marshmallow world from two different people. Is it real? ~ anonymous
Marshmallow world is a hoax created by players, and is NOT a place in Neopia. Neither are any other places that have been created on Petpages. If the url looks like
http://petpages.neopets.com/~pet name or even
http://www.neopets.com/~pet name (please note the "~" after the ".com/") then it is player created. If you see any such worlds that do not clearly state they are ficticious, please report them.
People will believe anything... does anyone remember where marshmallow world is?
Hello TNT, I couldn't decide what exactly to name my question, so I just put it under random stuff. I was browsing a board, and a girl stated she was freaked out her name was mentioned in a user's page--but I won't mention names. I carelessly drifted to peep at the page, and scrolled down, thinking I had nothing to worry about. Until, I saw him quote, "When I took this picture, it reminded me of cheryltwins." Of course, I was in shock of how on earth he came to know of my username. I'm not sure if he puts other names in his sentences, although I'm sure I want to know... is this reportable? ~cheryltwins
Ahh, the good ol' #VISITOR trick. If you try to edit your Pet page (by going here and clicking the "Edit" button), you'll notice one of the special codes to use is #VISTOR. Coding something like, "Welcome to my page, #VISITOR" will change #VISITOR into the username of whoever goes to look at your page. While most people use it for its intended purpose, there will always be pranksters who use it to confuse those who come across their Pet page. It's just a fun little gag.

It's not something targeted at you personally, so it is not considered harassment and, therefore, not reportable. If you're sure your username is mentioned directly on a Pet page and it is not a #VISITOR trick, and you have asked repeatedly to have it removed but it has not been, this is harassment and can be reported.
Isn't that kind of contradictory? You can get reported for putting fake worlds on your petpages, but not for putting someone's name on a petpage and tricking them into thinking something?