Make a few new pets, I have so many ideas, i.e. a snail neopet, and a bear neopet...
Update some older neopets, but submit them to vote...
Make painbrushes cheaper.
Give every one a free ff visit, make the Hidden Tower items cheaper...
And I would make that zap thingie you get from the WoE be like a lab ray zap, it would change your Neopet drastically
stampsyne wrote:
I would make ALL items useful. No more junk items that do nothing. I would want to actually be able to put clothes on pets (if it's not the right size then *RIP*) and make it so stats would effect the pet's physical appearance! Older pets...look older and have longer hair. New pets are smaller and big eyed. Strong pets are bigger, smart pets have smoother features, and high genius pets start looking anamorphic.
A pet's look would also depend on your care. If they'e groomed, they look shiny, if they're not they look scrungy. Unfed pets would look thinner while pampered babies will look jolly and round. The program that would be needed to implement such would also denerate various random poses for each pet type.
Ok, and I would unfreeze everyone because I believe in a second chance.
And all that too!

President of the Sugarinii/Tasha fan club.
Sugarinii's soulmate... since 1991!