Morningstar wrote:
No, you don't have anything to worry about there. It has to do to the intensity of the colors and the flicker rate. This is the first time I have ever gotten a photosensitive migraine from the internet. And I have been bombarded by flashing ads, dancing neopets in shops, even those shops with optical illusion backgrounds.
GREAT NEWS!: I just talked with someone from Neopets (via telephone) and explained the situation--very calm, very matter-of-fact, very sincere. Mentioned that not only did I get sick from the background but that several others had eplileptic seizures after viewing it. And said that I was calling, as a loyal long-term premium player, because I wanted to make sure that Neopets realized that this was a serious situation and I didn't want it to get lost in a pile of user reports. I asked if there wasn't something Neopets could do to make sure this didn't happen again. And asked if there weren't some broadcasting guidelines that they followed. The guy put me on hold for a long time, probably saying to himself "what the heck happened last night?" He then came back and said that he wanted to reassure me that Neopets was taking my complaint very seriously. He then asked for my phone number and said that someone who could actually do something about it would get back to me within the next day or so. Yay!!!!!!!!
That's good to know

Didn't think it was possible to phone TNT but there ya go