Morningstar wrote:
Oh, I am relieved to hear that I am not the only person who was affected by this. Not relieved that you got the seizure, I mean. I am very sorry about that. It's just that some people who don't have this sort of problem have no idea just how debilitating something like this can be.
I know what you meant

Yeah, a lot of people get concerned when I tell them I have epilepsy, but nobody really understands what a seizure does to your body and your sense of wellbeing.
Morningstar wrote:
And it isn't as simple as saying "well, just avoid the internet." Why should I have to? I have just as much right to the internet as the next person. And have the right to view things without suffering a debilitating migraine while viewing them. I just did some research on this. And it is indeed due to the flicker rate of that background. I also found out that there are software programs out there (that Neo could install) to check the flicker rate of ads before putting them on a website. My guess is that Neo probably already does this with their ads. But might not have thought to do it with their users' backgrounds.
Agreed, wholeheartedly. I may not have been the brightest to see people talking about something that may cause seizures and then gone there, but I shouldn't have to screen hat I watch and where I go. The worst part about this particular background is that I'm NOT generally a photosensitive epileptic. Usually not a problem, it IS the flicker rate that caused it. Which means it could be really dangerous to an undiagnosed epileptic.
morningstar wrote:
I plan on calling Neo about this tomorrow. Because contrary to what some people have stated, it could very well be a legal issue. In fact, there are organizations for the disabled that are trying to get laws passed concerning the flicker rate of internet advertising, so that people with migraines and epilepsy are protected. My guess is that Neo probably wouldn't want certain disability-rights organizations in their face about this, nor would they want any bad publicity. Like the Pokemon incident in Japan from about 10 years ago.
Good deal. If you need backup, let me know. I already sent out the email, but since you're calling, feel free to use me as evidence if need be. My neopets account is the same as the one here.

Kyuubi made me this totally awesome set!!
<3 Kyuubi!