Dawn's Weekly Review: Volume Two.
Dilana- The whole thing where nobody wanted the song but her was crazy. If you're trying to get into a band, why would you be afraid to play with members of the band? Silly people. Anyway, the thing I like most about Dilana besides her awesome voice is her stage presence. She doesn't have to dress crappy to get people to notice her. It may just be her radioactive hair. She sounded fantastic, though, and her/Gilby together was awesome.
Jill- Damn. Jill's really, really hot. Like, seriously. Her voice didn't come across as flawless, though. Her whole crowd jumping thing was pretty cool. I disagree with the judge that said it was fantastic, though, because it wasn't. The judge that said the vocals were good until she started going psychotic... I agree with him. It was alright.
Ryan- He definitely had a lot to follow up for after last week's stellar performance. As a big fan of this song, I was not totally awed, but it was good. Like Jill, his vocals started faltering when he started getting too energetic. And what was up with the make up? This is Rockstar: Supernova, dude, not Batman: The Animated Series. I find it hilarious how they were talking about getting laid after his performance, and the camera flashed right to Zayra XD.
Storm- Huge risk with this song. This is basically a song that everybody knows- so if you mess it up, people will notice. As stupid Dave Navarro said, it's very hard to please people if you sing a Queen song, but she rocked it out. I didn't hear many errors, and overall it was impressive to me... I was indifferent to her after seeing her for the first time last week, and this has definitely made up my mind that she's a contender (to me, at least). Also. SEXY.
Zayra- Um... k. What the heck was she wearing?! Bright gold jumpsuits are not the new black, ladies. Neither are Abraham-Lincoln-Gone-Western hats. My favorite part of the performance was Magni on guitar. What a hottie... mm... anyway, she was alright. She lost it several times, but she managed to hit enough of the notes right for it to not suck completely. Despite the blinding light bouncing off her smurf in that ridiculous outfit, it was okay.
Josh- Little more rocker, little less boyband. Woo. Much better. His vocals faltered some, but overall... I liked it a lot. He really looked like he was enjoying himself up there- big smile on his face all the time. He also possesses his fair share of prettiness. His guitar was also very, very sexy. Points off for referring to Tommy Lee as "baby". Eww.
Magni- LIVE, awesome. I love LIVE. Anyway, Magni's guitar was most fantastic looking, and I was tremendously jealous. I like how he was playing by himself (and I noticed that before the judges pointed it out), with no other instruments to overdo it. I liked knowing his sound was purely his, with nobody else around to make it anything but his. He sounded great, his family was adorable, and he is the prettiest man I've seen since Chris Daughtry (this week, anyway).
Patrice- Her hair looks so silly. I didn't like her much last week, but this week, she was good. I didn't like how she randomly stopped playing guitar so she could move her mic stand, though... if you're going to bring an instrument on stage, then you need to actually use it. Even if you're not the only guitarist up there, it's just weird to stop playing all of a sudden and let someone else carry you. But vocally, it was pretty good. I still think her hair is silly, though.
Lukas- Hm. Radiohead. I like Radiohead. His voice sounded really good. This was a good song choice for him. Still too much eyeliner, though, and the high notes were not meant for him. His dancing was creepy though. He looked like disjointed his... um, everything. Lose the eyeliner, though, and it was great.
Toby- This performance was hot, man. Not only is Toby himself very attractive, he made the song hot. If you can make me want to download a song that you didn't even sing the original of (I don't download just anything... I'm too lazy :P), then you are pretty much fantastic. I, personally, thought the megaphone was awesome (shut up, Dave Navarro). A great ending to a great show.
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