Ixistant wrote:
And I think the people who chose the Haunted Woods at the start and stuck with them all the way through it should get the best prizes, because lets face it, picking the winning team was a 1/16 chance, and since we did choose that lucky team we should get the best prizes.
So someone who made a lucky guess and joined HW in round 1, sent one score and never touched the game again should get a better prize than someone who sent 100 scores every round for other teams but just joined HW for the final round? Yeah, sounds
really fair to me.
I'm fine with the prizes working kinda like this:
Top: HW players who were with it from the start and sent tons of scores
Second: HW players who joined anytime after round 1 and sent tons of scores
Third: Darigan players who were there from the start and sent tons of scores
Fourth: Darigan players who joined anytime after round 1 and sent tons of scores
Fifth: HW players who were with it from the start and sent just a few scores
Sixth: Darigan players who were with it from the start and sent just a few scores
Seventh: HW players who joined late and sent just a few
Eighth: Darigan players who joined late and sent just a few.
I thiiiiiink that would work for me. It's really simplified, though. They would have to insert different levels (maybe 1-10 scores, 10-50, 50-100, 100-200, etc.) in there instead of just saying "lots" or "a few." But I think it should be partially based on correctly choosing the winning team, but mostly based on merit -- how much time and effort you put into it.