Sit in front of a T.V. screen for 10 minutes. What do you think you got from it?
Sit in front of this game for 10 minutes. What do you think you got from it?
It depends on what is on TV. I watch the news until the sport comes on - that is about 15 minutes worth. I don't watch current affair programmes as it is known that they are biased.
I watch my favourite "soapie" for 1/2 hour and I have 4 favourite 1 hour shows that come on during the week at night.
Other than that I do not watch tv. I do not turn the TV on until 6.00pm.
Being on the computer (mainly neopets) gives me interaction with my guild members - people I would never have met otherwise, keeps my typing skills up, gives me beter hand-eye co-ordination, I get satisfaction for setting a goal and getting there.
Most of all - being on Neo gives me something to do - I don't have a "social" life and I choose to spend free hours doing something fun. When it becomes boring, I do something else.
This is the only time that I "forced" myself to keep playing. I had set a goal of 500 wins and I wanted to achieve it. Since getting that far (506 wins), I have not played anymore. I actually made my goal yesterday, so today I spent doing over things.
I figure 500 is probably one of the benchmarks between prize levels so that's been my goal. Unless we're "buying" our prizes with our points again. Are we getting lookup shields? 500'd be a nice lil display number on my lookup I think.
Yes, I thought that as well. That is why I choose 500.