I just thinkin everyone is taking this a little to far.
I'm sure in the next year, Lutari Island will be accessable for everyone.
Yes I know right now not everyone had a phone, heck, I don't even have a cell phone and I work for a cell phone company!
I don't even have Premium, that's right, because I don't have a credit card.
Perrsonally, I think TNT are allowed to do this, and NO Raza, it's not really discrimintation.
Maybe they are just testing how well lutari island will be on cell phones? Or Neopets on cell phones for that matter, seeing as more and more kids are getting cell phones (and don't say no, because its true).
Maybe they just want it exclusive for now, which they are allowed to. Yea, I feel a lil P.O.ed because I can't access it, but hey, I'LL LIVE WITH IT.
It's not discrimination if you cant get to a certain place in the site. If people wanted to play that card, I would say that its discrimination that I can't get Neopets Premium, because I can't get a credit card, because I have bad credit. But wait, did you see something? I couldn't get a credit card because of bad credit, so that is MY own fault.
It's the same reason for not owning a cell phone.
Everyone is blamming this on TNT, but, look deeper into it, and I'm sure you can honestly say, that for a certain reason, you weren't able to get it. Maybe because of bad credit, no credit card, no job, no money, ect, but you guys need to quit going around and saying "I hate TNT for making it for cell phones" and stuff like that.
Neopets is a buisness website, yes, thats right, BUISNESS. Which means, they DO need to make money to pay their employees. If they didn't do things like Premium, or the cell phone things, they would be losing out on money, which means not being able to pay staff, which also means losing staff, and then the worst happens, the site slows right down to a crawl because in the end, if they stayed with EVERYTHING free, there would probably be 3 people working on the site >.<
Ugh, god what a rant...
«Don't play with fire, play with Rachel.»