everconfused wrote:
OK, I read the news, I went to the cingular site, saw $2.99 a month (no mention of how much the internet fees are for the phones, but I can just imagine), started reading some of the boards that were inevitable and started giggling. Don't ask me why. I just think the whole LI thing is incredibly silly.
A few people who have signed up have posted on various boards. There are apparently 2 games - neither of which are any good, but what can you expect for a cell phone game? There's a wheel, a place to train if you can get certain feathers and the only thing that I see as an advantage atm is that there's a special shop. So the people who can get there and rs are making np before there's a glut of the items on the site. The training I haven't seen anyone post that they've been able to, if there's a level cut-off or anything else. The feathers sound like a variation of codestones, so is that really an advantage?
You can't be on the site on the same account you've synched your phone with while you're on the phone. A few people have found that annoying.
Mostly, unless something's added that's really big, the verdict seems to be don't bother, that it's not really worth it.
They do say on the mobile page that other carriers will be added. Don't know who, don't know when. Don't know if the rest of us "mere mortals" will be able to get to the island without having the cell phone access. Guess what - I don't even have a cell phone and if I did, I highly doubt I'd spend the $$$ on extra fees. And the referrals? Just thinking about referring other people who already look at me like I'm nuts when I say Neopets is like, yeah riiiight.
I'm not in the least upset, I don't feel slighted, I also don't think the "best of all it's free" has really been compromised. You don't HAVE to have premium. You don't HAVE to have the cell phone deal. The site, technically, IS free. No, the rest of us can't get to LI - yet. Who knows what will happen though?
Wow, you took the words right out of my mouth. Looks like I was a few hours to late to post it, lol.
But like Everconfused said, if ANYONE read the small print (which most don't), more phones and carriers will be added to the list.
*Only available on select Cingular phones. Other phones and carriers coming soon.
Also, if I had a cell phone, I could access it, because my boyfriend accessed it the other night, and he uses Bell (Audioaux or something like that), AND we live in Canada. But the funny thing is, with cell phones, the carriers change when you travel from the states to Canada. Like, his Bell phone, would become a Cingular phone in the states, don't ask me how, it had something to do with the towers!
Just like I work for Rogers. I don't know what Rogers would turn into in the States, but I know every phone that was on that Cingular Wireless list, I can get at my work.
Like the Sony Ericson W600i, or the MRO L7, or the MRO RAZR. I think people should stop complaining about this.
I know it's not fair, but, TNT are NOT forcing you to go out and buy a cell phone, just to access Lutari Island. They are NOT forcing you to go out and pay for Neopets Premium. They are not even forcing you to play on their site, which IS free.
I think we SHOULDN'T send TNT letters about this. But, that's only my two cents.