Invalid words or disallowed element names found in your style tags. (Class or ID names must be preceded with a . or #).
It says right there that either those words are not allowed, or they need to be preceded by a '.' or '#' so you need to try putting either of those before those words, removing those words, etc. You may be able to get away with ditching those bits of the code entirely, test it out.
You know, I think they have fiddled with the filters again. Making only some text changes to a couple of petpages threw up new errors I didn't encounter even after the filters were made permanent. It's possible they have recently disallowed those words. If I remember right, at first they were not letting us use the word 'object' because that was one of the words the CG codes were using.
If you click the help link on the error page, you'll find they have a special submission form just for the filters. They've buried it slightly, probably to avoid people abusing it and writing about having peanutbutter up their nose after a food fight. If you are using CSS that is perfectly valid but won't go through their filter, you need to fill out that form and let them know.
A few days ago I asked if they'd allow the 'indent' code so we can make paragraphs look proper. When they were testing the filters on premium, they had us let them know of any code they needed to add and I'm sure we didn't catch it all.