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Thu Jun 22, 2006 1:30 pm

I'm not exactly a non-restless person, so I got a trustworthy friend to log into my account and she didn't even have to do much, she just randomly clicked and she got it. o.o The water system, I mean. So mine took only 5 minutes. xD

Thu Jun 22, 2006 1:56 pm

I did my water works over 2 days. I tried when it first came out but it was lagging really badly cause i only have dial up so i only tried for about an hour. The next day i tired and got it in about another hour.

Thu Jun 22, 2006 5:12 pm

It took 2 days for me, on the first day I got frustrated and gave up. On the second day, I got it after some efforts. My sister got it in 15 minutes >>

Fri Jun 23, 2006 9:19 am

I did mine over two days too, I spent 4 hours the first day trying to do it, and then at least another two the day after. Although it's probably my own fault for trying to do it systematically first.

Sat Jun 24, 2006 2:59 am

This might be a stupid question and it may have been answered before, so sorry if its either. :oops:

When they do release prizes, do they make an announcement about it in the News or do people just keep visiting the prize redemption area until the prizes show up and word is spread that way?

I forget the end of the LDP since I was only around for the last 2 days of it ^^;

Sat Jun 24, 2006 3:22 am

Nefasturris wrote:This might be a stupid question and it may have been answered before, so sorry if its either. :oops:

When they do release prizes, do they make an announcement about it in the News or do people just keep visiting the prize redemption area until the prizes show up and word is spread that way?

I forget the end of the LDP since I was only around for the last 2 days of it ^^;

They announce it in the news, and that prize redeption area was only for the LDP. And they release solutions and stuff.

But when?

I'm really hoping at least one sidebar, maybe one for Altador cup as well. But apart from that, I don't care much at all.

Prizes soon?

Sat Jun 24, 2006 5:21 am

At last the new globe of Neopia appears. And Altador and Lutari Island are on it as predicted.

Hopefully this means that the prizes are not far behind!

Sat Jun 24, 2006 9:05 am

dracir512 wrote:
Nefasturris wrote:This might be a stupid question and it may have been answered before, so sorry if its either. :oops:

When they do release prizes, do they make an announcement about it in the News or do people just keep visiting the prize redemption area until the prizes show up and word is spread that way?

I forget the end of the LDP since I was only around for the last 2 days of it ^^;

They announce it in the news, and that prize redeption area was only for the LDP. And they release solutions and stuff.

But when?

I'm really hoping at least one sidebar, maybe one for Altador cup as well. But apart from that, I don't care much at all.

The plot is not officially over - people can still do it, so for the moment no prizes are close to being given.

When the plot ends (the steps can no longer be done) TNT will announce something in the news.

There is a hint to how we will get our prizes in the last speech made by King Altador - (you can see the story again by going to the Council Chambers and clicking on "Listen to the story again".)

"Indeed you have," Altador chuckles. "We will soon provide you with a choice of rewards for your service to the kingdom. You can return here to see whether those rewards are yet available."

You can access the Council Chambers by going to the Hall of Heroes and entering the door on the right.

Re: Someone help me.

Sat Jun 24, 2006 10:55 am

fergermister wrote:
danielle652000 wrote:I'm on the last constellation but i can't get it right. i'm getting stuck when i go to the herbalism club. it says i can't join because of the astronomy club. i just need someone to tell me what to do, following the instructions are not helping me right now and i'm looking at two different things.

I had the same problem. Make sure you get both rocks.

Red circle is the rock you need to get first. Click it.
Now shove that rock in one of the top gears, leave the basement, go back and get it again.

Tab through until you find a url in the general area of the yellow circle.

Then click the big rock in the front (purple circle).

Now get the rock that you threw where the yellow circle is.
After all that go to the herbolagy club. If something goes wrong, try refreshing or deleting your cookies, stuff might be saved on your computer.

thanks for telling me that i really helped me out. you forget to do one step and it throws everything out of wack and you have to start over.

i don't think i'll do another plot.

Sat Jun 24, 2006 2:13 pm

this one was way too stressful for me. i was up all night doing this and some of this morning, 4 hrs according to my dialup. i'm used to having things just happen like that, and stuff just wouldn't cooperate with me. i spent alot of time stuck in that stupid basement trying to find that last constellation & it was driving me nuts.
i had alot of help and i know if i had to rely on myself i'd be so lost and i wouldn't have been anywhere near finished right now. this better be a good prize for the months i've been doing this, never again. i'm probably telling a half-truth about that anyway. i'll probably end up doing another but right now i don't want to think about another plot. do you get a message or something to find out what prize you get?

Re: i don't think i'll do another plot.

Sun Jun 25, 2006 1:36 am

danielle652000 wrote:this one was way too stressful for me. i was up all night doing this and some of this morning, 4 hrs according to my dialup. i'm used to having things just happen like that, and stuff just wouldn't cooperate with me. i spent alot of time stuck in that stupid basement trying to find that last constellation & it was driving me nuts.
i had alot of help and i know if i had to rely on myself i'd be so lost and i wouldn't have been anywhere near finished right now. this better be a good prize for the months i've been doing this, never again. i'm probably telling a half-truth about that anyway. i'll probably end up doing another but right now i don't want to think about another plot. do you get a message or something to find out what prize you get?

Read my post above yours - I answered this question for someone else. :D

Mon Jun 26, 2006 11:59 am

I'm actually having the hardest time with the very last set of instructions, after finding and mapping the last constellation. I'm not sure if I'm suppose to go to the archives to find the spellbook, or back to the telescope?! I've tried both, clicking on various coordinates at the telescope but nothing worked. I don't mean to offend anyone but I didn't find those instructions to be very specific. Especially with the whole...adding up the Y and X things, and to ignore any negative signs at the end, etc.

I don't know, that whole set of instructions really has me stumped and I have no idea what to do. Maybe I'm just reading them wrong but I'm completely stumped.

Mon Jun 26, 2006 1:42 pm

You go to the archives to find your spellbook (make sure you've gone to the last page of the Book of Ages and clicked on the DF's flames). Use a constellation finder to find you x and y coordinates (they are listed with the Sleeper). Go to the archives, put the numbers in the url, x is first, and search the room for your spellbook.

Mon Jun 26, 2006 6:14 pm

Daze wrote:
The plot is not officially over - people can still do it, so for the moment no prizes are close to being given.

When the plot ends (the steps can no longer be done) TNT will announce something in the news.

!!!!!! YAY !!!!!!!!

I've been without a computer for a little over a month because I moved, etc.. and now I have one.. and all is not lost! I've done everything up to the last constellation! So i'm going to go to that really quick and hope to goodness i'm still good to goooooo!

Tue Jun 27, 2006 1:44 am

Hi, I'm new here. But, that's not the point. I'm so lost in this. I cannot figure out one step in the stars thing. I'm stuck on 'Sleeper'. Now, I've been thinking about this. But, if one TRUSTWORTHY person could log into my account and finish the plot for me, I'd be so happy. And, besides. People have nothing to steal in my account. I only have 6k :p Sorry, if this can't happen.
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