For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Tue Jun 20, 2006 9:49 pm
I've heard a lot of reference to "rich people with T1 connections" getting all the dibs on the Money Tree, and I'm tired of the assumption. They've got to be relatively well-off in real life, but how does this translate to Neopets? Having experienced the occasional good flow on my DSL connection, I can say that a little lag can be quite handy for the majority of the action games they have.
Wed Jun 21, 2006 12:00 am
I have a T1 connection and I'm nowhere near well off... online or off! I just got a great deal on service when I moved into my apartment.
I wanted to applaud your sig, too, on the great quotation from 'Eldest'.
Wed Jun 21, 2006 12:04 am
A lag might be good for games but it kills you when it comes to trying to restock.
Wed Jun 21, 2006 12:34 am
Uhm, Flash games run locally, on your own computer, so it doesn't matter what kind of net.connection you have while playing games.
Wed Jun 21, 2006 4:10 am
psyco_chick32 wrote:I have a T1 connection and I'm nowhere near well off... online or off! I just got a great deal on service when I moved into my apartment.
I wanted to applaud your sig, too, on the great quotation from 'Eldest'.
The quotation is from Harry Potter.
Wed Jun 21, 2006 4:11 am
I know that when I play meerca chase with the wheel of monotony going on the page directly behind it sometimes it goes slower but it isn't any easier. It's actually harder because it doesn't go at a steady speed.
But yeah that's probably just my computer and not the connection.
Wed Jun 21, 2006 4:54 am
Keylia wrote:I know that when I play meerca chase with the wheel of monotony going on the page directly behind it sometimes it goes slower but it isn't any easier. It's actually harder because it doesn't go at a steady speed.
But yeah that's probably just my computer and not the connection.
Wrong topic.
Wed Jun 21, 2006 5:10 am
theonlysaneone wrote:psyco_chick32 wrote:I have a T1 connection and I'm nowhere near well off... online or off! I just got a great deal on service when I moved into my apartment.
I wanted to applaud your sig, too, on the great quotation from 'Eldest'.
The quotation is from Harry Potter.
That's really, really weird, because there's just about the exact same quotation in Eldest. *laughs* But you're right, because I remember reading it in Eldest the first time and thinking that it sounded familiar.

Now I know where!
Wed Jun 21, 2006 5:25 am
T1 = restocker
Piece of crap comp = games live Volcano run extremely easy.
Since I have the second one there, I know it's true, though the first one is just a stereotype.
Wed Jun 21, 2006 8:40 am
I'm broke, and my mum who I live with isn't rich or anything, either. I have broadband, because my Dad pays for it. I think my brother convinced him. Just having a good connection doesn't make you anything about money - especially if you're a kid.
I have Windows XP and I think it's good for games. Slower computers make the games laggier, which doesn't make them any easier for me. Mostly because I have no patience, but hey... :d
Wed Jun 21, 2006 10:59 am
Ecstacy, I want my free chocies!!! Lol.
My comp is relatively fast, but my RSing is blah becoz I'm slow at haggling.
Wed Jun 21, 2006 12:30 pm
Shame on you all, don't you know that we're talking about Harry Potter now?
Wed Jun 21, 2006 12:31 pm
psyco_chick32 wrote:But you're right, because I remember reading it in Eldest the first time and thinking that it sounded familiar.

Now I know where!
Loads of things in Eldest had an eerie similarity to Half-Blood Prince, and there's just no way it could have been intentional, since the entire plot was structured around the big ones and it was only released a month after. Can't even blame a sadistic editor, as I chose to do for the almost-death of Durza. (Luckily, though, Half-Blood Prince never mentions the word "biosphere".)
But yes, restocking. I've had a hand at it, and I basically break even, but then, I'm not aiming for Hypno Helmets or anything.
Wed Jun 21, 2006 3:37 pm
Tharkun wrote:Loads of things in Eldest had an eerie similarity to Half-Blood Prince, and there's just no way it could have been intentional, since the entire plot was structured around the big ones and it was only released a month after. Can't even blame a sadistic editor, as I chose to do for the almost-death of Durza. (Luckily, though, Half-Blood Prince never mentions the word "biosphere".)
*giggle* There ARE similiarities... I don't think there's a SUPER lot of the, but then again I never really thought about it before...

Even if I do really bounce from one to the other each week...
But yes, restocking. I've had a hand at it, and I basically break even, but then, I'm not aiming for Hypno Helmets or anything.
I've got a fast connection and I STILL can't restock for the life of me! I'm trying, I had finally gotten the old system down and then they changed it... heck, with the changes, I think it puts everybody on a more even keel.
Wed Jun 21, 2006 5:32 pm
psyco_chick32 wrote:Tharkun wrote:Loads of things in Eldest had an eerie similarity to Half-Blood Prince, and there's just no way it could have been intentional, since the entire plot was structured around the big ones and it was only released a month after. Can't even blame a sadistic editor, as I chose to do for the almost-death of Durza. (Luckily, though, Half-Blood Prince never mentions the word "biosphere".)
*giggle* There ARE similiarities... I don't think there's a SUPER lot of the, but then again I never really thought about it before...

Even if I do really bounce from one to the other each week...
But yes, restocking. I've had a hand at it, and I basically break even, but then, I'm not aiming for Hypno Helmets or anything.
I've got a fast connection and I STILL can't restock for the life of me! I'm trying, I had finally gotten the old system down and then they changed it... heck, with the changes, I think it puts everybody on a more even keel.
I have a VERY fast connection and i can only make about 15k a day rsing.Eldest and Harry Potter are sort of the same in ways(I LOVE them both)
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