Seeing this made me remember my earliest days in Neopets, when we had only like 3 or 4 games in what was called the "games cupboard", when the general atmosphere was a lot more friendly... i missed those days, but i guess when somethings grows, it can't help changing, you get better servers, better graphics, more games, more things to try but also more rules, more spammers, more auto vs human responses, less trust between players and the admin, etc, the usual 2 sides to every coin....
I was one of those hit by the game glitch, got my very first account frozen with the first pets I ever created (Uni and Shoyru, both pretty high levels and stats, since i was playing before faerie quests became random) and quite some funny trophies which can't be gotten anymore, like the trohpy for creating the funfair thingy...after some rather discouraging emails with the TNT I sort of gave up in disgust, just, groveling and begging for my account for some cheat i never committed (believe me, I have no idea HOW to cheat at flash games) didn't seem right, before that incident, i never even had a warning of any sort from TNT.
After that i stopped playing for a year, I was a avid game player previously (addicted to meerca chase and all that, my way of destressing), after the freezing i didn't dare play anymore, didn't have the fast connection for restock, didn't dare to do very much, it became more stress then fun, and then i felt stupid for feeling so wronged over a virtual site... just slowly dirifted back in the past year, even so, I'm not so attached to Neopets as i once was, I am prepared to get frozen for lord knows what funny thing, and I don't buy any merchandise at all...
so...I would say at least 50% of the paranoia is justified

, I know it's just a virtual site... but we tend to get attached to the game after spending a lot of time and effort on it.
Warped Logic:
If truth if knowledge, knowledge is power, and power corrupts, then are the liars in the world really the good guys?