Shadow_Twisted wrote:
Look, I'm trying to intimidate everyone in a sense that they need to be really active if they care about their team. I consider it a fusion of paranoia and passion. I'm afraid that if people on my own team don't do well, we're out of the running. If people from other teams REALLY care about their team, they need to find ways to motivate other people on that team to raise their game. I use intimidation as it fits well for Darigan Citadel, which is generally depicted as the "bad guy."
I want people to put forth enough effort that we can make sure we win. A team is not one person and if all of the members on the team don't contribute, then it becomes hurtful to their overall performance. After Round 1, quite a few popular teams bit the dust because of player apathy. A passionate individual whose care and concern for their team seems a little too intense to be healthy is needed to take up the charge and attempt to catalyze his teammates into an effective force.
Plus, we've heard that those who help drive their team for it all get cool prizes. I want to be able to say that I did EVERYTHING I could to help my team lead onward to victory.
But, yeah, perhaps I have gotten TOO caught up in the whole thing. I can't admit it, though, until it's all over. If DC makes it past Round 2, I'll probably lose it, not to mention if we go to the finals. I'm going to the NeoBoards now to start something for DC.
Yes, you are too caught up in it. I don't see at all how intimidation is going to help anything - especially since we're all human beings, not typical bad-guys-from-Darigan-Citadel story book characters.
Yes, I REALLY care about my team and winning, but I also care about passing my English, painting and design assessments, getting an after school and weekend job on top of keeping the babysitting clients I have, having something of a social life and keeping up a good leadership in Girls Brigade (while also planning a fun night). I'm not trying to shout out I have a life you don't, and I'm not saying the prizes aren't worth anything - after all, anyone who says it's just a few pixels is wrong; if you do it all yourself there *is* a sense of accomplishment there.
What I'm saying is that it's a fun thing for me to do, not a lifetime's worth of accomplishment that I need to stay up until the early hours of the morning for (hey, I like my sleep!

). And I'm quite sure it's the same for many other people.
Saying that, I doubt any of them want to be intimidated either, and you might put several people off from playing instead.
Yeah, you can do stuff like that if you want to, I'm not angry for it, but do be careful when you go about it - it could come across several people wrong and you'd end up causing more trouble than it's worth.