The sum of my digits was also 26; I got whole numbers for the price of each codestone (no rounding necessary). I can usually get top 250 with the algebra ones if I catch it right when it comes out...
However, 11pm NST is 2am for me; I tried to stay up, but I do have to work in the morning -- I went to bed at about 1:15 last night. There should be a better way to decide who's in the top 250 -- perhaps the clock should start when you actually look at the page. I know that people could cheat by looking at it posted elsewhere (or looking on a side account and solving it on their main). But if people knew they had a decent chance of top 250, they'd be less likely to repost it elsewhere and knock themselves out. And they could make it freezeable to view it on a side and solve it on a main since "it unbalances the game." I know it's not an ideal solution, but it's got to be better than the current system -- most people in Europe are usually asleep when it's released.
Sorry for the gripe; I've gotten the avatar and have a current high-score of 2, so I really shouldn't complain, but I wanted to get on the hs table. Besides, I hate refreshing the page every 10 min. most Wed. evenings waiting for the thing to come out. Mainly, it's just not fair -- almost everything else in NP is semi-time-zone-independent (for example the spacing of the snowager's sleeps allows most people to visit at least once). The other notable exception is Deadly Dice -- I'm not getting up (or staying up) until 3am just for an avvie/NP. I know the release of things on the Altador plot also put certain timezones at a disadvantage, but we don't know yet how the scoring will work for that.

Okay. Second rant over. Good luck to everyone still solving.