Snippy wrote:
There are too many items and the prices change too frequently for them to be accurately updated manually. Who says how much an item is worth anyway? Just a few people could inflate the price of certain items sky high (especially if they used an average trading price because someone could trade something worthless back and forth to their other accounts untill it was worth more). They would have to have an automated program, every item in alphabetacle order, sorted by type (petpet, bd, foods etc.) then apply the standard inflation rate. But even if they applied the standard inflation rate it wouldn't be accurate with items given out, like by the advent callendar, so the staff members would have to adjust that also. It would be great if it could work but there are just too many variables.
It has nothing to do with the market value. That page, and all the "Est. Values", given to an item are what its restock price is based upon. So if a "Moon Rock Formations" costs approximately 423 NP, then it'll restock for around that much, give or take a few NP.