Well, if it IS all about popularity.... the the Citadel will be winning this tournament *woot!*
If you've been following the poll I made in reguards to what team you are rooting for, which can be seen here:
http://www.pinkpt.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=26816 , you can now see the results... but I might as well post them here as well.. perhaps it will give some conclusion as to why some teams won or lost, or what the future may hold, or may help you decide what team to join!
Here were the results of my poll, which I closed as soon as the results for Round 1 were posted:
The Darigan Citadel:......................16 Votes (12.6%)
Mystery island: .............................12 Votes (9.4%)
Faerieland:....................................11 Votes (8.7%)
Altador: .......................................10 Votes (7.9%)
Terror Mountain:............................ 9 Votes (7.1%)
The Virtupets Space Station:............9 Votes (7.1%)
Roo Island:.....................................9 Votes (7.1%)
The Land of Meridell:.......................9 Votes (7.1%)
New Maraqua: ................................8 Votes (6.3%)
Krawk Island: ................................7 Votes (5.5%)
Haunted Woods:........................... .6 Votes (4.7%)
The Kingdom of Brightvale: ............5 Votes (3.9%)
The Lost Desert: ............................5 Votes (3.9%)
Tyrannia:...................................... 4 Votes(3.1%)
Kreludor: ......................................4 Votes (3.1%)
Kiko Lake: ....................................3 Votes (2.4%)
Total Votes: 127
and for your enjoyment, here are some lovely graphs to help display the data!
Here's how they compare to the results of round one:
Altador Lost to Krawk Island... but perhaps because it WAS so popular toward the end because its the new world, and its called the ALTADOR cup.... perhaps newbies all voted for/joined the altador cup team, so yes, they had lots of people, but didnt have the dedication which the krawk island team had, because players who joined the krawk island team probably joined it for a reason.
Kiko lake lost to brightvale, which were appropriately placed against eachother since neither of them had many supporters to begin with... and kiko lake, who placed 16th in this poll (last) did lose and had the 2nd to last ammount of points this round!
Darigan beat terror mountain, and I since darigan is more of a mini-world, and not even a whole world that is promoted or anything... it must have people who really like it to join it. Supporters who joined darigan joined it because they want to play for that team and win.. Terror mountain also ranked high in this poll, and also was probably mostly populated by people who joined it because they were dedicated to that place, and a few perhaps because of the relatively recent plot there. Because of this reason, and because Darigan had more supporters to begin with, darigan beat out terror mountain.
The Haunted Woods beat Kreludor. This proves my personal theory incorrect, because I thought more people would help kreludor, the new world which is also a planet by itself, but more people actually picked to join the haunted woods, and kreludor was 2nd to last in this poll. And as the poll predicted, kreludor DID lose to the haunted woods.
The lost desert beat Virtupets...... this.. is wierd in many ways. I thought people would join the lost desert because of the fairly recent plot, but then again, virtupets is the robot space station run by sloth... in the end, its surprising to see that the team who placed 13th in the poll beat the team who had 6th place! hm!
Meridell beat maraqua, but this is an interesting match-up to begin with, as they both very popular at the moment, a) because meridell is extremely overrated, and despite not being a "new world" anymore, its continued to be used as if it were a newly released world! In the mean time, Maraqua has become famous because its been around longest, but was unusable for many years, and has had this awesome new plot. There has been much hype for Maraqua. They were also placed RIGHT NEXT to eachother in the poll, dead center, taking 8th and 9th. So, this was a hard call. Meridell did end up beating maraqua in the poll AND in the altador cup first round.
Lastly, Roo Island beat out Tyrannia, which I did find find to be a surprise at all. Tyrannia wasn't ever bound to get many supporters, and they didnt... they placed 14th in this poll. While on the top half, roo island actually placed 7th place, which I saw coming because there were SO many people who were indecisive, and decided to root for the underdogs... which are either Kiko Lake or Roo Island. Kiko lake is boring, and Roo island has many better things, and not to mention has a fun looking team with fun colors.... so Roo Island, being the festive team it is, was rooted for being the best of the underdogs, and actually made it popular in the cup, which led to it beating the REAL underdogs... tyrannia. Since tyrannia is a large world with 2 maps, which has been around for a long time and even had a plot, nobody would think it would be the underdogs.... but in reality, "prehistoric" just isnt as cool as a waterworld, futuristic, desert, medieval, etc.... its the prehistoric land, and nothing exciting has happened there for a VERY long time.... its just been another spot on the map for about 4 or so years! And thus they were the true underdogs all along, but people voted for the "apparent underdogs"...which brought them there success! Hm!
I'd love to use these to make predictions now.... but we really cant since to dont know the line up.. until then....... we'll have to wait!