Tyrannitar wrote:
NeoPet_online wrote:
Ziggy wrote:
I think it's alright as long as each song has a diverse flavor. You know what I mean - some artists produce songs that sound basically the same, but with different lyrics and a few different variations on the music.
For example, although I'm biased, Kelly Clarkson is great. All of her singles released so far have been totally varied and unique.
I hope to god her next single is 'Go' I am obsessed with that song, I'm always singing it!!!

I want Gone or Addicted... I love those tracks!

Anyway, I think that admist all of our little conversations here we've reached one point: mass singles are only good to the listeners if each single sounds diffferent and are 'individual', and that artists should release more singles for more popularity?
Sadly, I'm pretty sure Walk Away is the last single on
Breakaway. (I check fan boards and stuff...) But yeah, I LOVE Addicted. I don't want it to be a single though because I'd get tired of it, and I don't want to get tired of it.

I hope "Go" is a single though because I LOVE it and I want the full song!
DM - Christina Aguilera had 5 singles from Stripped, not 7. (Dirrty, Beautiful, Fighter, Can't Hold Us Down, and The Voice Within)
"I'm not superstitious, but I'm a little stitious."