Oh my, I didn't mean to cause such a fuss. If you want me to post everything cup-related in that thread, I am trying to do so, but it is difficult for me to almost what I consider "double post" my related sentiments. Plus, there is not actually much to say about the Cup, as many have pointed out, yet there exists an entire forum of people making banners about which they have no clue what it is to come of. No offense.
I am relieved to know that some others suspect this could be a distraction and/or related to the Plot, but I do not mean to "drag down the forum" (sarcastically and bitterly remembers reading every single post of the Altador threads and remembers many a time when there was more useless speculation than necessary).
I will shut up, if you all want to talk about the Hunter, which no one apparently has anything to say about (no speculations, no comments, no relations to the Cup even, goodness forbid anyone assume the events could be related especially since they are in Altador and released at similar times). I have said my piece on that, that I think the Cup *is* related to the end of the Plot and I can see how Hunter could be related to Sports in many ways, even if the games continue on after the plot. I could be wrong as so many theories have been. So flame me.
I would rather rest my clickie arms then search for clues for the Hunter.