IcyBlue wrote:
apranum wrote:
Err I meant "updates" not "advertising"
They (both wizards and neopets) not even put the latest tcg list (travel in neopia) etc...
It might have been that that set was just a reprint or something.
But I agree. It seems as if TNT and Wizards don't care about the TCG anymore. It's slowly dieing...
Honestly, as someone who has bought at least two to three boxes of each expansion, it has always been considered 'dying'. People think that nobody plays, but trust me, this game sells, it just isn't played. Plenty of kids and some adults purchase the cards just to collect, whereas other games most everyone who buys the game plays them. Plus, a lot of people purhcase the cards solely for the rare item codes (I must have redeemed at least 700 or so of those things so far =)
In any event, I started thinking of some dream cards that my be present in the set. At the moment these are just text, but I may get ambitious and make some card images.
Carnival of Terror
Any Ghost card is +2 Magic and +2 Agility here. At the end of the turn, if neither player controls a Ghost card at this location, all Neopets must move to another arena or be discarded.
Hmm, need to work on the wording a bit.